APRIL 13th – We will have a special guest, GLOBE Director, Lynn Vaughn!!! Please remember to bring an old white t-shirt for the activities and wear clothes that will be okay to get dirty! 🙂
April 21st – GRC Fun Night! The University of Montevallo Honors Organization and Montevallo Service Learning Organization will be sponsoring the event! This year’s program will be held at MES for your convenience! Students participating will remain after school and will be picked up no later than 5:30 in front of the elementary school. The cost is $15.00!
May 11th – Please make plans to attend the GEP meeting at 1:00. Your child has brought home a form asking if you are or are not going to attend. Please check one or the other, sign, and send it back as soon as possible! Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions! Thank you!