January 6

Reading and English classes are working on research index cards.  Students were given several opportunities before and after our break to check out a non-fiction book to use as their research source.  Students were given written, illustrated  instructions as to how to make a source card and how to make a fact card.  The cards are […]

pages to read

If you did not write these down Monday, Tuesday,  Wednesday or today, here are the pages due tomorrow: 374, 375, 452, 453, 454, 455, 476, 477, 478, 479 Answer all multiple choice questions onto looseleaf to turn in.   Before you start whining, remember you had 2 class days and 4 nights to do the […]

Monday Dec. 9

English: 8th period should complete worksheet p. 93 as that class did not complete                the work in class.  Answers may be written on the handout. We will be wrorking on verb tenses, commas, combining sentences and                        correcting run-ons and fragments this week. Students will be given class time on Thursday to work on the rough […]