Lesson Plans

August 12th
Principal assembly with students (review of rules, code of conduct, expectations, behavior)
August 13th
PE locker issue (we will issue out PE lockers to students and allow them to put their uniforms and other belongings in them).
August 14th
First day of dressing out. Students will dress out and practice using lockers. Students will review beginning of class procedures; lesson focus, warm-up procedures, and expectations of how class will be organized.

Unit: Flag Football/Flickerball
August 15th-16th
Lesson 1-2

Standards- 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4
Objectives: A – modify skill/activity for personal enjoyment and success.B – understand the proper way to throw a football.C – understand the game of flickerball/flag football.
Students will be directed to give their full attention to the teacher. The teacher will discuss the lesson focus of the day. Students will be learning about the game of flickerball and the proper way of throwing a football.Students will learn the FAST method when throwing a football. F stands for firm grip. Students will model a firm grip on the ball with finger across the laces. A stands for arm up. Students will put their throwing arm with the ball up just behind their ear. S stands for step. Students will step to the target with the opposite leg from their throwing arm. T stands for throw while students are stepping forward they will then throw following throw with their arm forwarded and releasing the ball. Teacher will model this skill.Students will be assessed on their understanding of properly holding and throwing the ball.


Unit: Flag Football/ Flickerball

August 19th-23rd


5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4


Unit: Volleyball/9-square 6-8th

Date: 8/26-8/30

Standards: 4.1, .4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6, 4.7


Unit: Volleyball

Date: 9/3-9/6


Unit: Volleyball

Date: 9/9-9/13

Unit will be continued


Unit: Recreational Games

Date: 9/16-9/20


Unit Recreational Games/Fitness

Date: 9/23-9/27


Unit: Frisbee

Date: 9/30-10/10


Unit: Basketball

Date 10/15-10/18


6-5.2 – acknowledges individual challenges in order to handle them in a positive way.

6 – 5.4 – identify strategies for respecting self and others through activities and games.

7-5.2 – formulate positive strategies when faced with a group challenge.

7 – 5.4 – demonstrate appropriate social interaction during activities and games.
A – learn the basic history of basketball.B – learn the basic rules and skills to play basketball.C – learn the basic skill of dribbling.
Lesson 1:
LESSON FOCUS: (15 – 20 minutes) WHOLE GROUPTeaching basketball.Students will report to the gym for instruction.Students will be introduced to the history of basketball, via powerpoint.The teacher will use the powerpoint to explain the history, origin, and rules of basketball.The main focus of the powerpoint is to show students the basic history and rules of basketball so they will have a better understanding of how to properly play the game.Students will be expected to take notes and answer questions given by the teacher, checking their understanding of basketball.Students will be expected to know all the rules and regulations.The teacher will explain the first skill covered in the days lesson, dribbling. Dribbling is when a player transfers the ball from one part of the court to another, by bouncing the ball while the player is in motion.Students will be split into groups designated by 6 cones in which they will have one basketball per cone. Students will practice dribbling the basketball, working on technique and proper dribbling.

Lesson 2
A – Learn the rules of the game of basketball.B – Review the basic skill of dribbling.C – learn skill of passing.
LESSON FOCUS: (15 – 20 minutes) WHOLE GROUPTeaching basketball.Students will report to the gym for instruction.The teacher will review the material given to the students on day 1 to check for their understanding.Students will get in their lines to practice their dribbling skills. Students will dribble down court with their right hand, then with their left hand, they will dribble switching hands, and practice their crossovers.Next students will be introduced to passing. Students will be introduced first to the chest pass. The chest pass is executed by holding the ball with both hands on each side. Elbows are bent with the back of the ball touching the chest. Students will step forward towards the target, with the arms at the same time extending away from the body pushing the ball toward the desired target. When the arms are fully extended the ball will be released.The next pass introduced will be the bounce pass. Students will hold the ball the same as a chest pass, but when stepping into the target the student will push the ball towards the ground bouncing it on the floor towards the target.Students will practice these passes.

Lesson 3
A –Review the basic skill of dribbling.B – Review the skill of passing.C –Learn to properly shoot a free throw.
LESSON FOCUS: (15 – 20 minutes) WHOLE GROUPTeaching basketball.Students will report to the gym for instruction.Students will get in their lines to practice their dribbling skills. Students will dribble down court with their right hand, then with their left hand, they will dribble switching hands, and practice their crossovers.Next students will practice their passing. Students will work first the chest pass. TheThe next pass the students will practice is the bounce pass.Next students will learn the proper way to shoot a free throw. Students will be introduce to the BEEF acronym to help them remember the cues for properly shooting. BEEF is an acronym that stands for Base or bend at the knees, Elbow up making a tray with your hand, Eyes up looking at the target, Follow through with your hand finishing at the top.Students will practice their shots at the goal they are designated at.

Lesson 4
A –Review the basic skill of dribbling and passing.B – Review shooting a free throw.C –Learn to properly shoot a lay up.
LESSON FOCUS: (15 – 20 minutes) WHOLE GROUP Teaching basketball.Students will report to the gym for instruction.Students will get in their lines to practice their dribbling skills. Students will warm up with dribbling.Next students will practice their passing.Students will practice their shots at the goal they are designated at.Next the teacher will explain the new skill of shooting, which is a lay up.A layup in basketball is a two-point shot attempt made by leaping from below, laying the ball up near the basket, and using one hand to bounce it off the backboard and into the basket. The motion and one-handed reach distinguish it from a jump shot.The students will take time practicing the lay up shot a their basket. Each student will be required to make a shot.Students will have a competition in which they will shoot as many layup shots in a certain amount of time. Students must practice perfect technique.


Unit- Basketball


6-5.2 – acknowledges individual challenges in order to handle them in a positive way.

6 – 5.4 – identify strategies for respecting self and others through activities and games.

7-5.2 – formulate positive strategies when faced with a group challenge.

7 – 5.4 – demonstrate appropriate social interaction during activities and games.

October 21st-25th
Lesson 1
A –Review the basic skill of dribbling and passing.B – Review shooting a free throw.C –Learn to properly shoot a lay up.
LESSON FOCUS: (15 – 20 minutes) WHOLE GROUPTeaching basketball.Students will report to the gym for instruction.Students will get in their lines to practice their dribbling skills. Students will warm up with dribbling.Next students will practice their passing.Students will practice their shots at the goal they are designated at.Next the teacher will explain the new skill of shooting, which is a lay up.A layup in basketball is a two-point shot attempt made by leaping from below, laying the ball up near the basket, and using one hand to bounce it off the backboard and into the basket. The motion and one-handed reach distinguish it from a jump shot.The students will take time practicing the lay up shot a their basket. Each student will be required to make a shot.Students will have a competition in which they will shoot as many layup shots in a certain amount of time. Students must practice perfect technique.

Lesson 2
A –Review the basic skill of dribbling and passing.B – Review shooting a free throw.C –Learn to properly shoot a lay up.
Students will report to the gym for instruction.Students will get in their lines to practice their dribbling skills. Students will warm up with dribbling.Next students will practice their passing.Students will practice their shots at the goal they are designated at.Next the teacher will explain the new skill of shooting, which is a lay up.A layup in basketball is a two-point shot attempt made by leaping from below, laying the ball up near the basket, and using one hand to bounce it off the backboard and into the basket. The motion and one-handed reach distinguish it from a jump shot.The students will take time practicing the lay up shot a their basket. Each student will be required to make a shot.Students will have a competition in which they will shoot as many layup shots in a certain amount of time. Students must practice perfect technique.

Lesson 3-5 Game Play
A – participate in the game play fully competing with his or her team to the best of their ability.B – display the proper skills necessary to play in a game of basketball .C – explain the game rules and regulations to properly play the game of basketball.
Court 1 for competition play. One game will be played on this court.Court 2- This field will be used for the second game of competition play.Side court- will be used to assess students’ passing, dribbling, and catching skills.TOURNAMENT PROCEDURES –Games will be played in 4 periods / 4 mins per period.Day 11 and Day 12 will be used for a seeding bracket. Students will compete against each others teams to see where their team will be seeded in the elimination tournament.Day 11- Team 1 vs Team 2 / Team 3 vs Team 4Day 12- Team 2 vs Team 3/ Team 1 vs Team 4The team with the most wins will be seeded higher than the others.


October 28- November 1st

6th Grade Unit: Lacrosse

Lesson 1-Cognitive: SWBAT demonstrate understanding of the ready stance and grip by describing each one and modeling.

Day 1 Intro Activity:Jog, Squad Stretches Focus: 1.Ready stance 2.Grip 3.Cradling 4.Scooping Culminating Activity: Scoop Relay Assessment: Written Assessment of Skill Cues Show of Hands

Day 2-3 Intro Activity: Jog, Squad Stretches. Fitness Activity: sharks and minnows. Lesson Focus: 1.Throwing 2.Catching Culminating Activity: Toss Across. Lacrosse Assessment: Demonstration of proper catching and throwing.

Day 4 Intro Activity: Jog, Squad Stretches. Focus: 1.Throwing on the run 2.Catching on the run Culminating Activity: Ultimate Lacrosse Assessment: Teacher observational.

Day 5 Intro Activity: Jog, Squad Stretches. Lesson Focus: 1.Shooting Culminating Activity: Lacrosse “HORSE” Assessment: Observational.

7th Grade Unit: Team Handball


November 4th-8th


Day 6 &7: Intro Activities- Jogging/Dynamic and Static Stretches

Fitness Activity: Cardiovascular endurance- Preparing for mile test

Lesson Focus: The student will participate in throwing and catching skills. Students will model catching/cradling to themselves performed by the teacher. Students will demonstrate catching while partners toss the lacrosse ball to them. Students will demonstrate throwing to their partner; stepping with opposite foot of dominate hand side throwing from the shoulder releasing at the top of their throw.

Assessment: Students will be done through observation.

Day 8-10: Intro to lesson- Jog and squad stretches

Lesson Focus: Game Play- The teacher will discuss the rules of lacrosse. Students will be playing game play. Teams will consist of no more than 4 players. The object of the game is to move the lacrosse ball down the field by passing and running the ball, to try and shoot the ball in the goal. Shots must be made behind the goal line. One pass must be made before shooting the ball. Teams at the end of the game with the highest points win.

Assessment: Done through observation by the teacher.

7th Grade: Team handball


Unit: Fitness

Grades: 6th-8th

Date: 11/12-11/15


Unit: Fitness/Weight Training

Grades: 6th-8th

Date: 11/18-11/22


Unit: Dance

Grades: 6th-8th

Date: 12/1- 12/6

Dance Unit
A – Learn the fundamental steps of square dancing.B – Learn the fundamental steps of a line dance.C – Learn dancing is an activity that is beneficial to your physical well being and activity.
TEACHING HINTS / CUES – SAFETY:Remind students of traveling safely. Know your surrounding and avoid running into others when dancing down the area.Check for appropriate dress / shoes.INSTRUCTION –. The teacher will review the steps of square and line dancing. Teaching strategy is modeling. The teacher will answer any questions and also provide feedback.REVIEW – RulesASSESS – Assessment is done through observation.GAME RULES –1 – The teacher will explain to the students the style of dancing they will be learning. Students will be learning square dancing. Students will be partnered up prior to class. Students will be shown the first steps of square dancing.2 – After demonstration of the dance has been shown to the students, they will model the teacher. Students will practice the steps with their partners until they master the steps.3 – Students will move on to the next dance. Students will be learning a line dance. Line dances are activities that require several movements that are called out by the music. Each dance will done with a large group of students.
LESSON FOCUS: (15 – 20 minutes) WHOLE GROUP– Square Dancing.The teacher will explain to the students what square dancing is. Square dancing is a dance where couples form a square and dance around in a confined group.The teachers will demonstrate for the students the type of square dance that the students will perform.Students will practice the square dance demonstrated to them by the teacher.Next the teacher will explain to students line dancing.Students will then be introduced to the line dance the students will be learning.Students will practice with their partner the line dance.


January 7th-January 10th



Unit Health
Health lesson this week:
Unit 2 Lesson 6-
Explain how to judge relationships.
Explain what you should do about harmful relationships.
Explain how to show respect for others.
Explain how to handle conflict.
Unit 2 Lesson 7-
Explain how to be a loving family member.
Explain how to adjust to family changes.
Explain how to cope with difficult family relationships.
Unit 2 Lesson 8-
Explain how to make friends.
 Explain how to choose friends.
 Explain how to end a friendship
Unit 2 Lesson 9-
Explain how to look at commitments
 Explain how to learn about children
Explain why teen marriage and family are risky
Unit 2 Lesson 10-
Explain how to look at commitments
Explain how to learn about children
Explain why teen marriage and family are risky
Unit 7 Lesson 11-
Explain why you should choose abstinence
Explain how to set limits
Explain how to resist pressure
Gym Days-
Tuesday and Wednesday will be our gym days which we will continue our fitness testing. This week we will focuses on v-sit, pull-ups, shuttle run, sit ups.
Announcements: This Friday will be our physical field trip.


Unit Health
Health lesson this week:
Wednesday, Friday-
Unit 7 Lesson 32-33
explain how HIV destroys the immune system
explain ways that HIV is and is NOT spread
explain what to know about HIV/AIDS
explain how to prevent HIV infection
Gym Days-
Tuesday and Thursday will be our gym days which we will continue our fitness testing. This week we will focuses on v-sit, pull-ups, sit-ups.


Unit Health
Health lesson this week:
Tuesday, Thursday-
Unit 7 Lesson 32-33 Continued
explain how HIV destroys the immune system
explain ways that HIV is and is NOT spread
explain what to know about HIV/AIDS
explain how to prevent HIV infection
Students will also be working on getting their notebooks complete and finished. We will also be doing a test review. Students will be engaging in a CPR training that will take place during this health class. This is a Hands Only CPR model introduced to our program through the American Red Cross. We feel that all students need to be trained not only to perform CPR effectively, but also how to handle emergency situations.
Gym Days-
Monday, Wednesday, Friday will be our gym days which we will continue our fitness testing. This week we will focuses on v-sit, pull-ups, sit-ups.


Unit Health
Health Lesson This week:
Students will be completing the health lesson this week. Students will be completing their study guides this week and will be taking the Health test. This test will cover the material that we have covered with our health lessons 1-13. Students will continue their CPR training that will take place during this health class. This is a Hands Only CPR model introduced to our program through the American Red Cross.
Students will also be completing our fitness testing that we have been completing during our health unit.

Monday- Review for health test, complete health study guide.

Tuesday- Continue fitness test (sit-up testing, shuttle run, push-up testing)

Wednesday- Take health test, turn in health notebooks

Thursday- participate in fitness activity/free choice activities (basketball, volleyball, 4 square.

Friday- participate in our cpr training activity.


Date 2/10-2/14

Unit: Soccer

Coach Horton

Montevallo Middle School

COS: Physical Education- 4.) Demonstrate skills used in individual, dual, and team sports.

Monday Lesson 1

Warm up: Dynamic stretches, Static stretches

Objective: Students will demonstrate the proper technique of passing and trapping the soccer ball through mirroring the teacher and practicing drills presented to them

The teacher will have the students gather around him after stretches. The unit that will be introduced today is soccer. The teacher will introduced to the students the history and rules of soccer. Soccer is a game played using a round ball similar to the size of a basketball. The game is played between two teams, each team having eleven players on the field at one time. The field size played on is slightly larger that an American football field. Each team has a goal or net which is at each end of the field. Each team has one player that defends the goal or net, and is called the goalie. The job of the goalie is to prevent the soccer ball from being kicked in the net by the opposing team. The object of the game is to kicked the ball in the opposing teams goal and score more points than them. The game is divided into two 45 minute halves. The game is a very rigorous and high energy game. The teacher will explain the first skill that will introduced in class that day. The first skill introduced is passing and trapping. Passing the soccer ball is transferring the ball from one player to another. The teacher will teach the students how to pass the ball while demonstrating: (Place your non-kicking foot next to the soccer ball, lean slightly forward so your head is over the soccer ball, take a short back swing with you kicking leg, kick the ball with the side of your kicking foot, decide whether you are passing the ball to attack or to simply keep possession, choose the soccer player you want to pass the soccer ball to, make sure the player you want to pass to is on a open space and right position, kick the ball at the right pace depending on how close your player is to you.) The second part of passing the ball is trapping the ball. Trapping the ball is when the player that is being passed to stops the ball to keep it under control and continues keeping it in play. There are several way to trap a soccer ball. The teacher will explain how to trap the ball while demonstrating: (  Roof Trap – stepping on a soccer ball that is low in the air, Inside Foot Trap – the side of the foot is used to trap the rolling soccer ball, Chest Trap – the chest is used to stop the soccer ball that is higher in the air,  Thigh Trap – stopping the knee-to-waist high soccer ball with the thigh.) The teacher will have students partner up and will give them a soccer ball. Each group of students will practice their passing and trapping. The teacher will have students see how many under control passes they can make in a certain amount of time.

TSW: Listen to the teacher explain the game of soccer. Students will watch the teacher demonstrate how to pass the ball, and how to trap the ball. The students will partner up and be given a soccer ball. Next the students will practice passing and trapping with their partner. Next the students and their partner will practice trapping the ball while their partner throws or passes the ball to them to trap different ways. Students will practice the roof trap, the chest trap, the inside foot trap, and the thigh trap. Students will next compete against other students to see how many under control passes they can make in a certain number of minutes which will be designated by the teacher.

Closure:Review passing, review trapping mechanics, check for understanding, cool down. Students dress back in clothes. Depart for next class. Assessment: Student participation, Dressing out, and mastery of skill (passing/trapping).

Coach Horton

Montevallo Middle School

COS: Physical Education- 4.) Demonstrate skills used in individual, dual, and team sports.
Soccer Unit

Tuesday (lesson 2)Dress out/ Roll call Warm up: Dynamic stretches, Static stretches

Objective: Students will demonstrate the proper technique of dribbling the soccer ball through mirroring the teacher and practicing drills presented to them.

The teacher will call students up after warm up drills have been completed. The teacher will have students partner up. The field will be set up with cones line up, each cone having a soccer ball with it. The teacher will have the students and their partners go to one cone. The teacher will have the students work on their passing and trapping, explain in lesson 1. The teacher will have the students revisit passing and trapping with the soccer ball to further master both skills. The teacher will next have students group up into groups of 8. The teacher will have students for a large circle with 4 students on the outside and 4 students in the middle of the circle. The students in the middle of the circle will be working on trapping the ball. The students on the outside of the circle will pass the students the ball either on the ground or air. This will require students to trap the ball in different ways. The students in the circle will trap the ball then rotate to the next person in the circle constantly moving and getting work. The students will then rotate from the middle to the outside. After the students have practiced trapping the teacher will call students up. The teacher will introduce dribbling. Dribbling the soccer ball is the maneuvering of a ball by a single player while moving in a given direction, avoiding defenders’ attempts to intercept the ball. The player is only able to use their feet when dribbling and keeps the ball controlled while kicking it down the field. The teacher will demonstrate how to dribble the soccer ball. The teacher will have students line up behind the cones that are laid out. Students will be split into groups. Each person will take turns dribbling the ball down and around the cone and bring the ball back. The next student in line will dribble the ball down field and back passing off to the next student in line. The teacher will have students practice a few times, until students are show a grasp of the skill. The teacher will have students compete, by dribbling the ball down the field and back to see which team can dribble down and back the fastest.TSW: Students will working on their passing and trapping skills. Students are practicing to master the skill of both trapping and passing. Students will work with a partner to practice these skills. Next students will be split into groups. The groups will form circles with half the group in the middle and the other half forming the outer circle. Students in the middle will be trapping the ball and rotating. The students on the outside will be passing the ball to the students in the middle. The ball will be passed either in the air or on the ground calling for students to use different ways of trapping. Students will next be split into groups and designated to a cone. Students will be introduced to dribbling. The teacher will model the skill and have students practice the dribble. Students will compete to see which team can dribble the fastest and master the skill.The teacher will call the students up for closure.Closure:Review passing, review trapping mechanics, review dribbling mechanics check for understanding, cool down. Students dress back in clothes. Depart for next class

Assessment: Student participation, Dressing out, and mastery of skill (passing/trapping).

Coach Horton

Montevallo Middle School

COS: Physical Education- 4.) Demonstrate skills used in individual, dual, and team sports.
Soccer Unit

Wednesday (lesson 3)

Dress out/ Roll call. Warm up: Dynamic stretches, Static stretches

Objective: Students will demonstrate the basic mechanics of playing the goalie position in soccer through mirroring the teacher and performing the skills.

The teacher will have the students line up behind a soccer ball with a partner. The teacher will instruct the students to practice their passing and trapping with their partner to warm up. Once students have practiced passing and trapping, the teacher will gather the class together and have them give their full attention to the teacher The teacher will explain the focus of the day lesson. The focus of the lesson is on the position of the goalie in soccer. The goalie is the position in soccer where the player stands inside the soccer goal and prevents the other team from scoring. The goalie must have very good catching skills and be very athletic. The goalie is the only player on the field that is able to use their hands. The teacher will divide students into groups. The teacher will have stations set up including one ball and a cone. Stations will be set up in front of the fence that is provided. One student will be the goalie and stand against the fence. Other students will be the shooters. The object of the game is for students to make as many shots past the goalie, between the two cones before the goalie has made 5 stops. After 5 stops the students will rotate in a new goalie. The teacher will let students play until class time has expired.TSW: The students will demonstrate the skill they have learned so far, such as passing and trapping. Students will demonstrate their shooting and goalie work through the game designed by the teacher.The teacher will call the students up for closure.

Closure:Review passing, review trapping mechanics, review goalie work check for understanding. Cool down, students dress back in clothes. Depart for next class.

Assessment: Student participation, Dressing out, and mastery of skill (passing/trapping).

Coach HortonMontevallo Middle School

COS: Physical Education- 4.) Demonstrate skills used in individual, dual, and team sports.
Soccer Unit

Thursday (lesson 4)

Dress out/ Roll call Warm up: Dynamic stretches, Static stretches

Objective: Students will demonstrate shooting, passing, and dribbling techniques through skill games developed by the teacher.

The teacher will have the students line up behind a soccer ball with their partners. Students will warm up by passing and trapping with their partners. The teacher will next have the students practice their dribbling techniques through a race. Students will dribble the ball down the field and back. Students will pass off their soccer ball to their partner who will then complete the same lap with the soccer ball. Students are to practice on keeping the ball under control and not to trail or run behind the ball. Once the students have complete the dribbling drill the teacher will have the students give him their attention. The teacher will explain a game that the students will play. The game is called Sharks and Minnows. Students will line up on one side of the field. The playing are will be marked by cones. The field has two sidelines and two ends of the playing area. The students at the end of the field are called minnows. There will be one student in the middle of the field. That student will be a shark. The minnows will run from one side of the field to the other trying to avoid being tagged by the shark. If tagged they then become a shark. The sharks will have soccer balls which they will use to dribble down field, kick and tag the minnows. The ball must be kicked low and touch the minnows on the legs below the knee to prevent any injury. Softer soccer balls will be used.TSW: The student will demonstrate dribbling, passing, and shooting through skill games developed by the teacher. The students will play sharks and minnows to master the dribbling and shooting skills.The teacher will call the students up for closure.

Closure:Review passing, review trapping mechanics, review shooting, check for understanding. Cool down, students dress back in clothes. Depart for next class.

Assessment: Student participation, Dressing out, and mastery of skill (passing/trapping).

Coach HortonMontevallo Middle School

COS: Physical Education- 4.) Demonstrate skills used in individual, dual, and team sports.
Soccer Unit

Friday (lesson 5)Dress out/ Roll call Warm up: Dynamic stretches, Static stretches

Objective: Students will demonstrate shooting, passing, and dribbling techniques through skill games developed by the teacher.

The teacher will have the students line up and give their attention to the teacher. The teacher will explain the skill game that students will be playing for that day. The game is called Goalies Galore. The game will test the students shooting, dribbling, and goalie skills. Cones will be laid out in an octagon shape, marking 8 teams. The teams will be designated between different colored cones. Each team will have two cones that they will stand between. The students will line up and give the teacher their attention. The teacher will show the students how the game is played. Students will be divided up into 8 teams. The students will then be given a number. The students will face the inside of the playing area. Once the teacher calls a number every student with that number will run to the middle. The teacher will roll a soccer ball into the middle. The students are to kick the ball between another teams cones in order to score. Students who’s number is not called will stay between the cone and play goalie, trying to prevent other teams from scoring. Students will play and keep score trying to get the most points. The team with the most points scored wins.

TSW: The student will demonstrate shooting, trapping, and dribbling through the game designed by the teacher. The students will master the skills while playing the game Goalies Galore. Students will try to kick and score goals, while other students will try to block their own goal.The teacher will call the students up for closure.

Closure:Review trapping mechanics, review shooting, check for understanding. Cool down, students dress back in clothes. Depart for next class

Assessment: Student participation, Dressing out, and mastery of skill (passing/trapping


Unit: Archery
Feburary 24th- 28th
A – learn the basic history of archery and the bow and arrow.

B – learn the proper safety procedures of participating in archery.

C – learn the procedures of shooting the bow and arrow.
Assessment: Done through observation of students shooting mechanics.

Teaching Cues:
1 – The teacher will start class by reviewing the safety procedures of archery.

2- The teacher will put a influence on the safety precautions that are required when participating in archery.

3- The teacher will review the procedures when shooting the bow: 1. The student will listen to a series of whistles( 1 whistle signals for the student to pick up their bow and step up to the shooting line.) 2. Two whistles signals for the student to notch their arrow and point their shoulder and bow to the target. 3. Three whistle blows signals to the students to draw their bow back and release the string. 4. Four whistles signals that the student are finished shooting, they must lay their bow down and retrieve their arrows.

5- Students must adhere to all the rules and safety procedures when shooting the arrows. If the students do not respect all the rules, students will not be able to participate in shooting the arrows.6- When retrieving the arrows students must walk to their target reach and grab the arrow at the closes part to the target and pull and twist the arrow in a clock wise rotation. This helps the arrow to come out smoothly.

Instruction/ Lesson Focus:
Teaching archery.Students will report to the lunchroom for instruction.Students will be reminded of the safety and shooting procedures.The main focus of the archery unit is a proper understanding of the safety precautions and procedures of how to properly participate in this recreational activity.Students must respect the area and rules of shooting or they will not shoot.Students will be expected to know all the rules and regulations before being able to shoot the bow and arrow.Students that are not shooting will be on the opposite end of the lunchroom waiting their turn but participating in jump rope or walking.


3/9/2020- 3/13/2020

Unit: Field Hockey