in matters of life and death, we’ll always have twilight…

so a new week – which means a sad, sad goodbye to twilight – yet again…

“life and death” – so meyer wrote a companion piece in honor of the 10th anniversary of the book that changed all of our lives for the better – gave us the wonderfulness of the movies and those actors – anyway, i’ll say this… not many authors would ever write – or rewrite – 387 pages for what would essentially be labeled fan fiction – she obviously left herself vulnerable to people who don’t like the series – and they have already responded in droves – and i can’t offer original criticism, but i do think the essential premise of the companion piece was wrong – it was called a “re-imagining” – and i think with the movies, it really can’t be re-imagined anymore – or maybe it’s just me, but i never could get the roles right – i just read edward for edythe and bella for beau – it didn’t seem any different – and it really should’ve

my word is about to change to twilight – again… :)

weekly reading…

“twin ambitions” – great running book by britain’s own mo farrah – great story of how one can become an elite runner – over time – through incredible work – mo didn’t just wake up running world class – lots of valuable lessons in there about all things in life

“show them jesus” – a book recommended to me for my sunday kids – and it was good – the basic point was that you can’t talk/show jesus enough in the lessons you lead – that your lessons shouldn’t just be “this teaches us how to be good people” – b/c, in actuality, being good has nothing to do with it – or shouldn’t – but somewhere along the line, sunday mornings became about being shiny and good – i’ve definitely worked to put what i learned into my life

“junior seau” – this book was really, really sad – ya’ll left me for the parade and i had that to comfort me – except it was the story about an NFL hall-of-famer who took his own life at age 40-something and left behind his parents and his family – truly sad – how do those things happen? it’s not like we’ll ever know, but i do think fame can be a curse sometimes

happy reading – i have the new meyer rewrite of twilight coming to me – i’m excited



and now, a word for our very special friend, BILLY!!!

a video only billy could love:) (appreciate/understand:)



and for the books:

“fast girl” – not coming to a BOB or a school near you anytime soon:) but i got a lot out of the book – for the essay last week, it was what i wrote about – i don’t think i’ll get over anytime soon the fact that hamilton cried when she won the high school championship xc title as a freshman – b/c she knew she could never lose again without upsetting people – i think highly gifted people get that

“you’re never weird on the internet (almost)” – it was a good week to read:) another book with things to learn about being gifted – felicia day was in buffy – she was in dr horrible – she’s from huntsville – she has created a ton of material – her book was just the latest neat thing she’d done – and reminded me how important it is to protect our creators – the people that make us laugh – make us think – they often have deep valleys they trudge through

happy columbus day tomorrow


back to the 80s – and the podcast…


last week’s show from friday – by popular demand

“your brain on sports” – great book – highly recommended – on what social science can show us about sports – i’m going to try and use a couple of items with ya’ll – the spotlight effect should be required teaching for all middle school kids

“the american senate” – my big book accomplishment of the nine weeks – seventh grade got the pleasure of hearing me read it:) in all seriousness, we should know all we can about the things that rule us – and learning the rules of senate means that we don’t have to fall for what people tell us – i enjoyed the book a ton

“no excuses” – derrick coleman jr made the NFL as a person legally deaf – he reads the quarterback’s lips for changes – audibles – very good story about overcoming disability – about encouraging others


happy finals this week


one day until Binder Girl Day (aka, superhero day)

getting my wardrobe set…

“life around the oval office” – by nick symmonds – or something like that for the title – but a book about a track star – he’s won the 800m nationally like five or six times – not so much a running book though as an “adventures in the life of a marketer” book – symmonds has made a name for himself by getting himself out there – in many ways – with Paris Hilton – with changing sponsors – with occasional protests – he’s an interesting character – but definitely a thinker – anyone who remembers catholic school and being bothered by a comment by a priest at age 10 about the Holy Trinity is a pretty deep thinker:)


Gifted AND Talented at Columbiana Middle