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Students took the "Elements & their Properties" Chapter Test today.  We reviewed the correct answers to the Chapter Test and the Chapter Review prior to the Chapter test.  After finishing the test, they began the next chapter's vocabulary.  The "Chemical Bonding" Vocabulary is due tomorrow.  All 10th graders will be taking the ACT Aspire test on Friday.

Students continued the notes on "Periodic Table and the Periodic Law" notes by covering Ionic Radius in groups/periods and ionization energy.  We reviewed the comparison between atomic and ionic size within groups and as we move from left to right on a period.

Students will complete three worksheets in class today to review for the Vocabulary test that is scheduled for tomorrow.  They will complete the "Element Code" worksheet (38 pts) which uses clues to determine elements, a "Periodic Table Relationships" WS (36 pts) to determine understanding of the organization of the Periodic Table and have a "Do I know my chemical symbols?" poptest. The chapter test on Chemical Bonding will be on Wednesday.

We finally completed the notes on the "Elements" chapter. Students show know the characteristics of the major groups and transition elements of the Periodic Table.  As well, they should be able to give you uses for given elements as well as where they are found. Students finished class with a crossword puzzle to check comprehension and spelling.  Then began the Sec. Rev. which will be finished on Tuesday.  Students will also have the "Elements" Vocabulary Test on Tuesday as they finish the Chapters Sec. Reviews.  The "Elements" Chapter Test will be on Wednesday.

Today, we completed the characteristics of Groups 14, 15 and 16 of the Periodic Table.  As well, we came up with uses for certain elements in those groups.  Class was concluded as students completed the "Elements and Properties" Seek-n-Find with questions on uses for all elements of the Periodic Table.  They were given a Review Guide (100pts) to complete for homework in preparation for the "Elements & Properties" Vocabulary Test tomorrow.  The "Elements & Properties" Chapter Test will be on Thursday, Jan. 14.

Today, we reviewed the Periodic Law, blocks of the Periodic Table by orbitals, and began discussing the notes on Atomic Size and radii of atoms and ions of the same atoms.  There will be a Voc. Test on Periodic Table and Periodic Law on Thursday with a Chapter Test scheduled for Friday.

Basketball Practice for MMS students will begin tomorrow, Wednesday - Oct. 21, 2015 from 3:30 - 5:30 at MHS.  All players will ride my bus from MMS to MHS to have study hall in my room until practice starts.  Parents can pick up the players from outside the gym lobby at 5:30 at MHS.  Spirit Pack money's should be paid on ASAP to alleviate a large payment at the end of the school year.

Yesterday, students were to complete the Matter; Properties & Change Vocabulary (76 pts).  We went over the answers to the "Data Analysis" Chapter Test (100 pts) and Ch. Assessment (95 pts).  Students were encouraged to focus more on the work to improve the Chapter Test scores.  Also, the items that were not correctly answered on the Ch. Assessment were reviewed.

Today, we will begin and complete the "Matter: Properties & Change" Review Questions (60 pts).  Students were advised to dress correctly for lab tomorrow.