Daily Archives: November 4, 2020

OMMS November 4 Daily Announcements

Please remember that if you are a morning car rider and arrive when there are 2 lines of cars, you must wait for the whistle before you dismiss from your car.Enrolling in Publix Partners is an easy way to support OMMS!  See the attached information!

Since we were not in school last Friday, students and teachers make plans this Friday to wear your best school appropriate Halloween costume.  Remember, no full masks, no paint (hair, face or body), and costumes must follow dress code.  

Purchase a Chromebook case with an OM logo!  Information attached.

The last day to sign up for the golf team is this Friday, no exceptions.  You must sign up with Coach Tatum first and he will have a meeting with those interested in trying out on Friday during advisory.  Try outs are on Nov. 10th and Nov. 12th.

Congratulations to these students who will be on the boys tennis team:  Jude A, Connor B, Seamus C, Kanata F, Grant G, Abe I, Grey K, Jacob M, Keller T, and Ben T.

Congratulations to the 7th grade girls basketball team in their win over Hewitt yesterday.

Happy Birthday Shoutouts:  Display your OMMS student’s name and birthday wishes on the OMMS electronic outdoor sign.  Message will be displayed for 3 days.  https://tinyurl.com/y4s4tmpo

BSN is offering a 48 hour flash sale starting 11/5 at 12:00 A.M. EST through 11/6 at 11:59 P.M. EST. This promotion is good for 20% off EVERYTHING, no minimum purchase required. https://sideline.bsnsports.com/schools/alabama/birmingham/oak-mountain-middle-school

Oak Mountain Boys Rec Basketball League:  Registration for the boys 2nd – 6th grade rec basketball league is now open through our web site https://www.omboysrecbasketball.com/  Registration cost is $130.00.  All games will be played at OMMS  Please email any questions to omboysrecbasketball@gmail.com

Attachments (4)

Oak Mountain Chromebook Case Flyer.pdf1 MB   View Download

BSN Wall Decals.png293 KB   View Download

BSN Flash Sale 11.5.2020.png178 KB   View Download

Publix Partners School Email Template – Desktop Version.pdf1 MB   View Download

OMMS November 3 Daily Announcements

Please remember that if you are a morning car rider and arrive when there are 2 lines of cars, you must wait for the whistle before you dismiss from your car.

Enrolling in Publix Partners is an easy way to support OMMS!  See the attached information!

Since we were not in school last Friday, students and teachers make plans this Friday to wear your best school appropriate Halloween costume.  Remember, no full masks, no paint (hair, face or body), and costumes must follow dress code.  

Students were given flu vaccine forms to be taken home yesterday and more will go out today.  These forms have to be turned back in to the office by TOMORROW.  Please see your advisory teacher today if you did not get a form yesterday.  Student flu clinic will be either Nov. 5th or 6th.  Information letter is attached.

Golf Tryouts will be Tuesday, November 10th, and Thursday, November 12th.  Sign-up with Coach Tatum.  Must complete all information on DragonFly prior to trying out.  Friday is the last day to sign up.

Purchase a Chromebook case with an OM logo!  Information attached.

Happy Birthday Shoutouts:  Display your OMMS student’s name and birthday wishes on the OMMS electronic outdoor sign.  Message will be displayed for 3 days.  https://tinyurl.com/y4s4tmpo

Good luck to our basketball teams in their first games of the season tonight.  Girls will play @ Hewitt and boys will play at home against Hewitt.  GO EAGLES!

BSN is offering 15% off on your Sideline Store purchase! Promotion is good for the entire month of November. This will end on 11/30/20 at 11:59 P.M. EST.  https://sideline.bsnsports.com/schools/alabama/birmingham/oak-mountain-middle-school

Attachments (4)

BSN November.png42 KB   View Download

Publix Partners School Email Template – Desktop Version.pdf1 MB   View Download

Flu Clinic Parent Letter.docx15 KB   View Download

BSN Wall Decals.png293 KB   View Download