OMMS November 30 Daily Announcements


The annual OMMS NJHS Toys for Tots campaign will continue through December 4th.  This year we are utilizing online donations due to COVID-19 restrictions.  There are several easy ways to donate:
Text OM to 71777-to make a general donation (not to a certain grade level)
Link to main page:

Text OM6 to 71777 to donate to 6th grade

Text OM7 to 71777 to donate to 7th grade

Text OM8 to 71777 to donate to 8th grade

Please share this information with family, friends, and co-workers via email, text, or posting on social media.  

Donations raised to date total $6172.62.

Donations raised by grade:6th grade:  $851.38 ($5400 goal)7th grade:  $2014.61 ($6940 goal)8th grade: $1743.05 ($7660 goal)

JUNA meets today after school until 4:30pm.

SGA will meet tomorrow at 7:20am in the cafeteria.

Please remember that if you are a morning car rider and arrive when there are 2 lines of cars, you must wait for the whistle before you dismiss from your car.

Enrolling in Publix Partners is an easy way to support OMMS! 

Links for parents to sign up students up to return from remote to traditional for 3rd quarter:
English Version – Version –

Happy Birthday Shoutouts:  Display your OMMS student’s name and birthday wishes on the OMMS electronic outdoor sign.  Message will be displayed for 3 days.

Virtual parenting day information:

BSN Cyber Monday Sale