April 25 Announcements

Spring 2019 Scantron Performance Series Testing Schedule

Please make note of these dates when scheduling appointments.

If a student is absent, makeup testing will be completed at a later date to be determined.
Thursday, April 25th 6th Grade Math

From OMMS PTO:  Teacher Appreciation Week is coming up May 6-10.   Please encourage your child to do something special for their teachers on the corresponding days below. It can be a note, a flower, school supplies, etc. Any sentiment will be great! This is just a small way to let our teachers know they are appreciated. 

Monday: ELA
Tuesday: Math
Wednesday: Science
Thursday: Social Studies
Friday/ PE, Special Education and Electives

In order for attendance notes to be coded properly, please make sure all notes have the student’s first and last name when submitted.

Freshman 101 information session and school tour will be Monday, April 29th at 6pm in the PAC at OMHS for upcoming 9th graders.

COME OUT AND SUPPORT KIWANIS PANCAKE BREAKFAST ON SATURDAY- APRIL 27th The Kiwanis Club of Indian Springs Village is raising money to provide Chromebooks for our Oak Mountain schools. Saturday • 4/27 • 7AM-Noon • Oak Mountain Middle School. Face painting for the Kids, Great Door Prizes, and Performances by Youth Organizations. Get your tickets at: www.eventbrite.com/e/pancake-day-2019-tickets-59579582134  or Cash/Checks at the Door.  Kids under 5 Free! 

8th grade students:  If you have a change that needs to be made on your course verification form for your freshman course selection, it was DUE on April 19th to the OMMS counselor’s office.  Any forms turned in after, April 25th, will need to be emailed directly to the high school counselors at kathyhenson@shelbyed.org or you can drop them off at Oak Mountain High School Counseling Center.  

8th Grade Parents:  If your student is interested in Show Choir for the 2019-20 school year at Oak Mountain High School, please go to the Oak Mountain Show Choir website at: https://www.omhschoirs.com/  for very important information concerning a meeting and auditions.
Bessemer Composite Squadron of Civil Air Patrol is holding an Open House for those interested in learning more about our program. It is May 6 from 6:30 to 8:30 at the Bessemer Municipal Airport. We would love to have your students and teachers join us to learn about our aviation, aerospace, leadership, and emergency services opportunities. We also have special opportunities for teachers and offer free STEM kits to teachers!

See the attached flyers for Summer Math tutoring and Math camp dates.

The 6th & 7th students that have turned in an SGA officer application should plan to attend a candidate meeting tomorrow morning at 7:20am in A-17.

All SGA applications must be turned in by 3:00pm today. 

Anyone needing to pay for a yearbook needs to make their purchase/payment by the end of the month while supplies last. $40 payable to OMMS. Include student’s name on payment. Check the list in the cafeteria before attempting to buy a book. Take payment to school office. 

Registration for Art Camp with Mr. Cecil is now open. Camp dates are June 3-7th or June 10-14th from 9-12. Please see Mr. Cecil for registration form. Act soon as space is limited to 15 students per week. Forms can also be downloaded from Mr. Cecil’s blog at https://podcasts.shelbyed.k12.al.us/acecil/2019/04/03/art-camp-2019/ 

Support OMMS by washing your car at Blue Rain Car Wash. Tell the cashier you want to support the OMMS fundraiser. The code is “OMMS”. Proceeds from car washes and other services at Blue Rain CarWash go to support OMMS. Sponsored by OMMS FBLA. 

Wishing you had ordered some OM socks now that you have seen them? If so, stop by the front office. A limited number of socks are available for sale with Mrs. Whitt. $12 while supplies last. 

Tomorrow at 3:00 pm is the deadline for turning in Eagle Ambassador Interview tryout forms to Mrs. Gilmore. Those trying out should stay after school Tuesday, April 30th and will get an approximate pick up time between 3:35 – 5:15 assigned to them on Monday (come by D-5 Monday to see the list of pick up times). 

Any student who has an overdue book or a fine as of May 7th will not be eligible to attend field day. 

SGA Officer applications- If you have turned in the SGA Officer application, you need to stop by Room A-17 to sign up for a time to record your speech. 

Hangout Fest End of the Year Gala is this Friday during school from 1-3! Gala admission is $7.00 and money will be collected during 1st period classes on Friday. The gala will be a great time to hang out and play games with friends. Don’t forget to bring your money! 

NJHS meeting for current 8th grade members will be Monday, April 29th during advisory. 


Track team students are reminded to sign up for the Track and Field Banquet – May 2, 2019
Also all Track and Field uniforms need to be turned into Ms. Salmon ASAP!!!

Tryouts for the middle school summer Oak Mountain Middle School girls’ basketball program will be held on May 13th-16th, 6th & 7th graders interested in trying out for the program should contact Coach Noel during their physical education class, additionally, all AHSAA eligibility requirements for basketball must be completed utilizing DragonFly Max (instructions attached on information sheet). The last day to sign up and to have all AHSAA requirements completed in DragonFly Max in order to tryout will be Monday, May 6th. Any questions, contact jnoel@shelbyed.org

Tryouts for the middle school summer Oak Mountain Middle School boys’ basketball program will be held on April 28 through May 1st. 6th & 7th graders interested in trying out for the program should contact Coach Binkley either during their physical education class or by sending an email to rbinkley@shelbyed.org. Additionally, all AHSAA eligibility requirements for basketball must be completed utilizing DragonFly Max (instructions attached). The last day to sign up and to have all AHSAA requirements completed in DragonFly Max in order to tryout will be Thursday, April 25th. Informational handouts will be available for students to pick up on Monday, April 8th. If you have any questions please contact Coach Binkley. 

Students signed up for Cross Country must have DragonFly Max requirements completed to 100% to be eligible for tryouts. Please email cwood@shelbyed.org with any questions. 

8th grade girls: Interested in trying out for OMHS volleyball? You must have a current physical on the revised 2018 form uploaded to DragonFly. The DragonFly code for OMHS is TGTNMC. You must also fill out the Google form on the OMMS volleyball blog, indicating your intent to tryout. Tryouts are May 6-10. 

Anyone interested in playing freshmen football there will be a meeting on Monday, April 29th at 7pm in the OMHS PAC. If you have any questions please email OMHSFootballnews@gmail.com 

Attachments (9)http___www.shelbyed.k12.al.us_shelbycares_.pdf2 MB   ViewDownloadPublix Partners Sign up instructions. (1).docx46 KB   ViewDownloadKiwanis Pancake Breakfast.png410 KB   ViewDownloadMake Summer Count Math Camp 2019.doc32 KB   ViewDownloadOpportunity for Summer Math Tutoring 2019 6th grade.docx17 KB   ViewDownloadOpportunity for Summer Math Tutoring 2019.docx17 KB   ViewDownloadRTM Promo1.pdf148 KB   ViewDownloadbookmark contest 2019.pdf834 KB   ViewDownloadTeen Apr 19 OMMS.docx13 KB   ViewDownload