Welcome back in the building, families! We are thrilled to see your faces and share some of the great things going on in the four walls of Forest Oaks!
We have had a fun field trip to American Village, a successful Read-a-Thon, and creative Red Ribbon week, and Parenting Day just yesterday! I can’t believe that it’s already December, but we have much to be thankful for.
Here is a glimpse of our slideshow for Parenting Day, and we are looking forward to having you back in the classroom for our Christmas Party in a couple of weeks. https://www.canva.com/design/DAExHyehagk/n4eBZTetMSIJ7lG4QuLjuQ/view?utm_content=DAExHyehagk&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=publishsharelink
I also wanted to share a couple of resources that may help as the second graders start to become third graders. You’ll notice them grow more socially, and while we have a long way to grow, here are a couple of tips that help you have intentional conversations with your child.
- Instead of asking “how was school today?” use one of these questions: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/25-ways-to-ask-your-kids-so-how-was-school-today-without-asking-them-so-how-was-school-today_b_5738338
- Having social growing pains with your daughter? I highly recommend this conversation guide and mom’s guide to dealing with challenging girl issues. Daughter’s guide: https://www.amazon.com/Lies-Girls-Believe-Truth-that/dp/0802414478 Mom’s Guide: https://www.amazon.com/Moms-Guide-Lies-Girls-Believe/dp/080241429X/ref=pd_bxgy_img_1/142-8080403-1537661?pd_rd_w=fczOV&pf_rd_p=c64372fa-c41c-422e-990d-9e034f73989b&pf_rd_r=6J54Q2XMG3ERBF2EMMMB&pd_rd_r=3e35cc95-e816-402d-afd2-72bea7c5ca54&pd_rd_wg=5troB&pd_rd_i=080241429X&psc=1
- One of the best things you can do is just have conversations with your child. Talk in the car, in the drive through, waiting in lines, or just driving with your child to get gas or groceries. Your child will have more questions as much comes at them. They’ll either ask their friends or ask you. It’s better if they hear it from you first.
- What if my child doesn’t talk to me a lot or give many details about their day? Maybe you work a lot and don’t always get to have those conversations. Try using sticky notes to start a system with your child. Say that it’s for anything they want to tell you, so if you can’t get to it right now, you can still remember to talk about it with them.
- Give your child a special journal or notebook. Say that this is for them to write anything they’re thinking about, worried about, or what happened with their friends that day. Say that this is a safe place to share, even if they’re embarrassed, they can still ask questions and show it to you if they can’t think of the words to tell you.
- Have a quiet writing time. Do you have an extra notebook or journal? Have a routine with your child to come straight home and have quiet writing time for just 10 minutes. Studies show that writing whatever comes to mind for just 10 minutes not only improves stress, sleep, and self-esteem, it sets people apart to be more likely to get a job — just from writing! https://www.marketwatch.com/story/5-ways-that-writing-for-just-a-few-minutes-every-day-can-make-your-life-better-2018-06-22 It would help if you also had a few minutes to do it in your busy day to model those good practices for your child too, Mom or Dad!
- How do I have the awkward conversations as my child grows into a third grader? Here are 2 resources that have kid-friendly ways to broach uncomfortable subjects for parents. Remember, you don’t have to be perfect, say the right things, or never make a mistake, just start the conversations somewhere. Listen to your child, what they want, but give them perspective of what they’re seeing their friends do in light of your family values and the perspective you want to encourage your child to have.
- DKFindout.com is a kid-friendly science website for kids that may help answer those questions your child may have about anatomy and many other cool science topics. Just be there to watch it with your child in case they have questions. Then, refer back to the video. https://www.dkfindout.com/us/ One other resource that you may want to use with your daughter (DISCLAIMER: Mom, I would preview first in case it has been revised, so be careful. I have a very old unrevised version from 20 years ago.) It’s called the Care and Keeping of You: the Body Book by American Girl. https://www.amazon.com/Care-Keeping-You-Younger-American/dp/1609580834
- Finally, have a daddy-daughter date. Just spend a little extra time with your daughter, dads, and she will be more confident in who she is and be less likely to seek attention from boys. Check out the great impact of a dad’s role! https://www.drjamesdobson.org/blogs/dr-james-dobson/7-ways-dads-influence-their-daughters Here are some ideas: https://lipglossandcrayons.com/daddy-daughter-date-ideas/
I hope these may kickstart the conversations for parents about anything and everything with your child. Just by being intentional, showing up and being willing to ask questions listen is half the battle!
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