Week beginning 8-14

Herbert 6th ELA    Week of _____8-14____________ Selection vocabulary:phosphorescenttapering cylinder tremendously provisions edible suffice derisive receding hordes Word parts:fic- makefac- make pre-before fore- front of ion-noun maker non-not Academic Vocab:, non-fictionfictionpredictionforeshadowing short story plot Writing:Complete sentencesReading Selection:“Three Skeleton Key” Friday ClassworkHomework:GWBp1 ex1p3 Ex 1 MondayClassworkHomework:Read p 4& 5 in yellow home text TuesdayClassworkHomework:Write 1 good context […]

Last week of school…

This week we are still working on Daily Grammar Practice. We are also watching the movie The Watsons Go to Birmingham and comparing it with the book by listening to certain chapters. Students do not need any supplies for the next couple of days as we are using supplies in class and engaging in classroom discussions concerning the movie/book. […]

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

No late work will be accepted after this Friday, May 8. Friday will be BROWN BAG DAY where students can bring an individual drink/snack to class. We will be reciting our original poetry from our poetry booklets. The 9 weeks BENCHMARK exam will take place over 2 days, May 14 & May 15. The parts-of-speech […]

Week of April 20-24

Monday– DGP Week 9–  label the parts of speech for Monday.  We learned about odes, ballads, and epic poetry using this powerpoint. Forms of Poetry-Updated Students are to write an ODE that will be included in the Original Poetry Project. Original Poetry Project 2015 Tuesday- DGP- We will learn about limericks, sonnets, and diamante poems from the above powerpoint. We […]

Parts of speech

Students were given index cards to study the parts of speech (p-o-s) that they are struggling with. They are to create a Frayer Model on the index card for the p-o-s they are learning. These will be checked on Wednesday. Students who passed the pre-test with a HIGH grade and told me they didn’t need […]


Here is an excellent website (that you may as well get familiar with) to help you with anything grammar related. https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/730/01/ In class we took a parts-of-speech pre-test. Students wrote down what particular part-of-speech they are struggling with. Here are some available resources to help. Most of these have the answers at the bottom of the […]

Wednesday assignment

Students had about 15-20 minutes to complete a paragraph in class. Some did not finish, therefore it is now homework. We read the short story  “Pandora’s Box” last week and today we read a poem version. Students were then given a Type II writing assignment in class. Some had trouble remembering the short story from […]

Monday, March 17, 2015

Students- if you are struggling with parts-of-speech PLEASE play these fun, educational games. You will have to cut/paste the link in your browser! YOU NEVER KNOW WHEN THERE MIGHT BE A POP QUIZ!!! HINT HINT! http://www.funbrain.com/grammar/ http://www.eduplace.com/kids/hme/6_8/grammar/ http://www.vocabulary.co.il/parts-of-speech/ (make sure that you click on the appropriate grade level!!)