Category Archives: Uncategorized

so if i saw the play, i don’t have to blog, right???

wow – the play was so good – well worth getting down to columbiana this afternoon – even if it meant i had to spend the hour beforehand trying to program, reprogram, deprogram, grandmother’s tv remote (it sort of works now, which really means it doesn’t work b/c she’ll never figure out a “sort of fixed” remote – so sort of fixing really did no good, sigh…)

anyway, every year, i’m blown away with the play – this year’s was the best i can ever recall – kudos to all the kids that had roles – just fantastic – i mean, the best i could say about it was that it interrupted nap time, i had gotten up at 4 today and run 18 miles before church – and yet, in a room w/o air, i still managed not to fall asleep – it was that good (or sam and brennan were that loud – or something…)

i did read though…

“confessions of a teenage nomad” – it was free on nook – and a quick read, like 183 pages, so it wasn’t a terrible torture – still, sort of a twilight-like novel where the misfit girl goes to a new school, and suddenly, the gorgeous guy loves her – and it’s all confusing to her – ah, young love – sick… 🙂

“east of eden” – finished early last week – wonderful book – like i said last week – i now want to find it on dvd and see james dean as caleb – i guess the thing i liked most about the book this time was how it addressed time – how, sometimes, if you wait long enough for it – things come back to a wonderful ending – if you can hang on – and as someone who struggles to hang on sometimes, that was a great lesson to reread

“the digital disciple” – book on how to be a follower of JC in the internet world – good read – i learned that none of you like e-mail b/c you can text quicker – which makes me feel old… the author closed the book by suggesting digital holidays – closing everything down sometimes so you can think – i think that’s important – one reason why i don’t keep net at home – that, and i don’t want to watch the red sox lose at home – i’d rather watch that at snap or read about it in the paper

nearing 40,000 words on “Battle of the Books” – my nanowrimo for this year

well, last blog for the year for you – write me something great…


may day, may day – finally back to east of eden…

well, two more – here we go… i read “the last boy” about mickey mantle – on loan from mr. scott – last week – sad, sad book – mantle had a sad life – basically was bent on killing himself for the 70-ish years of his life – alcohol, women, etc. – having read a biography on willie mays two years ago, the differences were stark – the book chain of darkness continued later in the week when i started “east of eden” – well, picked back up after three weeks off – i’m 300 pages in – that book starts very dark too – i had read it a few years back, maybe 10, so i knew to keep with it – this time around, i can identify with the character “adam” a whole lot more – last time, i just liked the redemptive nature of the book – this time, so far, what i’ve liked is the story of a guy that is never really loved – and how he learns to cope in the world after years of just basically “going through the motions” because he doesn’t feel anymore – the book is 600 pages long so i have a while to go – not in too big a rush – i did get a “shakespeare for kids” book that i’m hoping will help me teach julie, st. k, and the gang (the gang being goth girl maddie and possibly cailea – but definitely not jerame or tyler – and definitely not any eighth grader left that’s still blogging – i don’t think any of them are though – they’ve contracted that work out to india or something)

you heard it here first – three journals this week if you turn them in thursday – any guesses how many will wait ’til friday and still turn in just three??? i’m guessing most everyone – although, i strongly suspect at least 25 percent of my students do the work right before class – anyway, you also heard it here first – come to my booth friday – the dash race – race your friends – it’ll be fun


resurrection reflections…

well, few more weeks of this and we’re about done – exciting…

i read two of the intermediate BOB books this week – pretty good…

“powerless” – highly recommend to all of you – easy read – basically, a kid who ends up in a town with kid superheroes – superheroes that lose their powers when they turn 13 – pretty entertaining – relatively deep for an elementary book (like, the discussion of whether it would be of greater good to take powers away – b/c powers can be used for evil – or to keep them – that’s a discussion you could debate for a long time…)

forgot the title of the other book – basically, a puzzle book with a big mystery to solve – entertaining – wasn’t that thrilling for an old man, but i’m sure 3rd graders could get into it

have i mentioned yet that the NKOTB are going to be on DWTS??? yes, monday night, dancing with the stars has my favorite group of all time – if kristie alley wasn’t going to be on, i might have even included the link…

okay, back to books…

“justice brennan, liberal champion” – the book book i read this week – all the way from jacksonville state (i find it funny that jsu had a book with the name “liberal” in it – very taboo word in this state) – very much enjoyed it – many reasons – one, the justice’s wife was marjorie and she died:) two, the justice was on most of the major court decisions that i studied in high school and college and so it was fun to read about them from another angle – three, the book had a decent message at one point about how even when things look dark, those that can hold on are typically those that have seen the light before (i know, general, but basically, if you’ve had good years, you can go through the lean years – like trying to get through the “julie smith years” b/c you know that better things will eventually come)

the fourth best part of the book was that the supreme court justice remarried after marjorie – he married his secretary – lock up your secretaries all you out there… 🙂

so that book was my serious book for the nine weeks – i’m back to lighter stuff this week – including a book on why the cubs are awful and why football teams should always go for it on fourth down…


east of eden (and good friday)…

so somewhere last week – probably actually the week before – i went brain dead and stopped reading – which means i’m progressing much slower through the books – oh, well, who’s keeping track anyway…

“eric liddell story” – i think i blogged about the book last week – but i hadn’t really started reading it until this past week – problem solved a few days later – the book borrows from previous research on liddell – and was similar to the book i read, “pure gold,” about the runner – very good – encouraging read

“BOB questions” – hey, i’m counting anything i have to read that’s close to 100 pages typed up – lots of trivia i’d forgotten about the books – enjoyed the competition bunches friday – went by way too quick (particularly compared to the next day when i had to go there for training…)

“active english” and “classroom trials” – two books about creative activities to use in class – got some ideas to use for our next courtrooms – and a few other ideas for things – always excited about a new activity for class

nanowrimo word count back up to near 36,000 – spoofing currently on a BOB quiz bowl round – got a good idea friday when someone told me that the second round with the bonus questions was “boring” – thanks…

just finished the potter movie – wonderful – most distressing news in sunday’s media section of the b’ham news – apparently, there are two “breaking dawn” movies coming out – why wasn’t i consulted on this??? that means the twilight saga will have been a part of my life for five years when it ends – sad…

reading “east of eden” now – i LOVED it like seven years back – i hated the first 200 pages, was ready to abandon it, and then the whole thing turned on a dime – and i just wept and loved it so – so i’m hopeful that it still rings true for me – otherwise, i guess i’m not not the same boy/man – hope that you’re still the same boy/man though…

(and happy good friday in advance)


jason mayfield and the deathly BOB-ers, part one…

i mean, do we even have to have school with the dvd out friday???

(full disclosure – i didn’t go see the movie when it was at theaters so that’s probably why i’m excited about friday – i think i’m still bitter about my “lion king” date walking out on me in ’95… 🙂

finished the BOB series with “the morgue and me” – a mystery novel – if you read about the author, you would’ve had all you needed to know about it – definitely of the group, it was the book that was most “high school” material – although, if my high school kid said some of the things in the book, i’d been reaching for the soap to wash a mouth out… anyway, you start the book thinking the kid is the classic nerd who keeps to himself – but then he suddenly becomes attached to a 26-year-old party girl and everything works out right – odd…

“50/50” – by dean karnes and matt fitzgerald – much more my style – guy ran 50 marathons in 50 states in 50 days – his story – very funny at spots (like when he called “mercedes marathon” flat – and this was before the course was changed and it went over red mountain) – sort of a cross between advice on how to run and what to worry about and how to dream big and achieve it – probably, when i retire to the ranch in chelsea, i’ll get a bike and go explore the world sort of like he did – i don’t run fast enough to do it by foot:)

“the flying scotsman” by sally magnusson – a book about eric liddell – famous runner and missionary (second part is more important than the first) – subject of the movie “chariots of fire” – which we ought to watch in my classroom if none of you have seen it – incredible, incredible movie – anyway, the book came out 30 years ago – so i got it at the thrift store for like 15 cents – it’s about what the movie couldn’t get to – liddell’s full story (including his death in a POW camp at the hands of the japanese in WWII)

well, happy journaling – my boys on sunday morning told me that there’s six weeks left in the year – i don’t think that’s right…


BOB-bing for high school books…

dear journal bunch,
happy beginning of april – oh, how will any of you begin to cope with the increased homework load this week??? i feel so sorry that you have more than one journal… oh, well, that’s life (more than one journal – yes, that’s life:)

last week, i read some of the high school BOB books so that i could be a better reader in a few weeks – so most of what i read you could read and enjoy (unlike most weeks with what i read – although, i did sneak in “blueprint plan” by kirk franklin and that was a nonfiction that none of you would read – but it was still good – probably most interesting was the afterward where franklin said he’d never even read a book all the way through until he was 26 – wow…)

“the crossroads” – very, very predictable book – not that interesting either – but i’m sure you’d love it all b/c it’s the first book in a series – so you’d have something to read on for a good half-year – which apparently interests most of you (i totally don’t get the series obsession if you can’t figure that out)

“unwind” by shusterman – it’s the future, people are harvesting organs and body parts of teens – if this happens soon, i want julie’s brain, trey’s piano fingers, st. k’s soul (b/c she’s a saint, right???), and maddie’s… well, i don’t think i want anything from her – i’m pretty good there… 🙂

(unwind was a good book)

“revolver” by sedgwick – it’s 1910 – your father just froze to death – and a crazy guy walks in with a guy – what ya gonna do??? the book read real fast – entertaining – which i guess is all you can ask – but it doesn’t ask the big questions that “unwind” did

those were the books – i read about libya, and japan – and, best of all, the sports illustrated baseball preview – very excited about the new season – not that i have hopes for the braves, cubs, and sox (red and white), but it’s better than watching basketball and other such things…

happy blogging (note the second “g” people – it happened against last week to someone:)


the “one and done” journals to be for the week…

so i figure we get monday and then test for the next three days – all days that you’ll be too stressed to produce journals – so i guess we’re left with one journal this week – should be easy…

“always follow the elephants” – ny times health writer talked about whether or not myths, folklore, in relation to science are the truth – like whether ginger helps your ears when you fly (true), whether animals can sense whether changes (true – follow the elephants when they run away – a tsunami may be coming), whether drinking warm milk will put you to sleep (false)

“i am a super evil genius and i want to be your class president” by josh lieb – i may have the title wrong – cute book though – basically, a super evil kid plots to be president of his class – the character, the kid, seems unbelievable at times – i couldn’t figure out if he wasn’t imagining the whole thing – but, unlike going bovine, it wasn’t all one big dream – so that was good – i guess – it would’ve worked either way

“the reason for God” by timothy keller – by far, the best book i’ve read in a while – pastor at a ny church lays out some reasons for why belief in God is important – and why Christianity can make the claims it makes – really encouraging reading and good food for thought – for example, if you say that it doesn’t matter what you belief, then you’ve basically made your own truth claim – your own belief system – that you’ve decided to enforce upon everyone else

reading basketball things and getting ready for opening day in baseball thursday – however, all that will be shelved this week b/c i found out i’m a reader for the high school BOB team – so i’d like to actually read the books i’ll be questioning – we’ll see…


returning from a spring break near you…

oh, the books i’ve read since my last post… i’ll try to be brief – do hope you had a wonderful break

“riven” by jerry jenkins – nook book – interesting – took way odd turns for christian fiction – ended with a convict being crucified – on live TV (oops, spoiler alert:) again, strange – well written though

“gray matter” – nook book – a san diego doctor who asks to pray with his patients – it was a good book – quick – learned a bit about neurology

“unbroken” by hillebrand – the seabiscuit author – great, inspiring story of a world war ii vet – he was a former olympian and went through terrors no one should have to go through during the war – he learned to forgive his captors later and that was amazing

“hope for the world” by former b’ham mayor richard arrington – sort of a pompous title b/c he was basically saying that he was the hope for the world – b/c he was the first african-american mayor in b’ham – the sad thing was that in the 20 years he was in office, he didn’t do a whole lot for the city – he basically survived fed investigation after fed investigation – again, sad (much like downtown now…)

“blue moth” by hancock – the guy is director of the BCS now (college football) – after his son died, the guy went on a bike ride across america one summer – very good book – as someone who admires physical feats – and who survived many a family trip in a pop-up camper, i could definitely pull lessons from the book – hoping to see the guy at football media days for the sec in july this year and tell him all that

“leaving gee’s bend” by latham – you write in the middle people, she was the author we saw – she’s a good writer, i’ll say that – i didn’t think the book was very historically accurate – blacks and whites got along way too well for 1932 – but ms. latham seemed to do – well, did do – research for the book so maybe some of that was more accurate than i thought – i definitely think it should be a BOB next year

“walk two moons” by creech – newberry winner in 1995 – good – the book was about acceptance – and about life stages – moving on – remembering – one of the better YA’s i’ve read in a while – not earth-shatteringly great though

“breakthrough” by someone:) nook book – one writer’s take of the 10 scientific breakthroughs of all time – lots of names, dates, and science that got confusing – or ran together – at times – but a decent read – honestly, when you’ve read so much previously, you’re not looking for too much – so i wasn’t that upset

nanowrimo word count is up to 29,000 now – which means i got in about 2,000 words over spring break – proud of that

hope your week is wonderful – this should be our only set of journals until mid april (post testing)


spring is coming (can’t you tell by the cold weather…)

so you don’t have to blog this week, happy studying for those all-important and all-too-tough finals, but i thought i’d go ahead and mention the books i read last week…

“nothing” by jan teller – i think the author name is right – she’s danish – the book was translated last year into english – powerful story about a search for meaning – by a group of kids that give up everything they hold dear – it is a YA book, but the book isn’t very young adult – the issues are definitely serious enough for anyone (basically, what is worth living for?) – i read the book in less than a day b/c it was so gripping – powerful

i also read two books from the late george sheenan – he was a running guru of sorts – i read the books in inverse order – the first one i got was his book about dying – he had prostrate cancer and it finally killed him after 11 years – the first book, the one i got later in the week on loan – was from 1978 – on running and being – both books were similar to the teller book in that they addressed what it means to live a good life – for sheenan, it was to be true to yourself – sort of the thoroeau and walden and emerson deal where you listen to yourself – decent message, i guess, if you don’t have faith in anything outside of yourself – and lots of people don’t for one reason or the other

went back to the nook after a month absence after those books – got a few freebies that look promising – but not as promising as the week off that’s coming in a week – can’t wait…

(okay, i can wait – it’s not like i have big plans:)


one last third nine weeks blog (for you)…

last week before finals – it’s all getting closer…

“the strangest man” by farmelo – book about a scientist who helped advance quantum mechanics – and several other fields – he was a theorist so he was more effective thinking about the ways that the universe should work – and then letting others prove those thoughts – than he was taking the work of others and drawing conclusions – so a highly creative mind – very interesting book – particularly the passages about the close ties between the government and world war ii (so far as attempting to build nuclear weaponry)

“Endgame” by frank brady – story of bobby fischer – famous chess player – conquered three decades of soviet reign on the chess board – and then fell off the face of the earth – re-emerged later a bitter man with highly racists views – and anti-US beliefs that probably helped lead him to an early death – very sad waste of talent – there can be such a fine line between genius and insanity – and the line isn’t always clear – i guess the question  – or one of them – with fischer is whether or not he was mentally sound – or whether he brought his ruin upon himself – the choices he made – it’s an interesting debate one could make with one who’s read the book

read a few other smaller things – an AP study guide for english (took me back to 12th grade – except, i’ve realized i’m stupider now) – two books on brain puzzles – and a book on running devotionals – by jim ryun – wonderful book – i respect ryun a TON (and loved the photo of camper ryan hall from ’06 in there – right before hall became the best US marathoner in a while…)

hope your last week of journals before spring break doesn’t make you cry too much – up to 26,000 words on my third novel…
