well, the BOBs are done and the reviews are in…

big thanks to Ms. Blount who gave me something productive to do during TV timeouts from yesterday’s football games… 🙂

“the geeks shall inherit the earth” – this would be the book I showed you last week for dialectal journals – that the sixth grade freaked out on when they saw “bad” words later in the book – shockingly, sometimes high school kids use bad words to describe other kids – I know this came as a crushing blow to most, but I knew that – what I found interesting – I found lots interesting in the book – was that the author thought teachers were just as cliquish as the students they teach – that b/c they live in an adolescent world, they are adolescent-y – honestly, I don’t think teachers are less mature than other adults – I think lots of adults have petty fights – but I do think teachers should show a better example so the book made me question whether mr. scott and I should let other teachers sit at the cool table…

“the missing girl” – BOB – last one I finished – I put it before the Jobs book for reasons that will come below – missing girl is in a word, creepy – on the flip side, it’s a great “how to” for abducting 13 year old girls and trapping them in your house – again, creepy factor was way high – however, it did fit my BOB rule from a year or two back which was that I could stand any bad book so long as I could read it in a day – and I sped through this one – so mission accomplished and it could’ve been worse – I’ll obviously be curious what the feedback is when ya’ll read it

“steve jobs: the man who thought different” – now, this is the way to close BOB – wonderful book – sad book – jobs was highly gifted – he was a flawed genius – if we had the time, i’d love to discuss in class whether it’s better to be average – and good – in life or to be a flawed genius – I would think the answer is that it depends – but we definitely need those that are brilliant to give our daily lives a richness – I think probably all my kids should read this book – and even better (for you all), it reads quickly:)

reading goals for next week – I have a book on advanced mathematical principles and “the simpsons” – can’t wait…


the battle for blog supremacy begins among the grade levels…

ah, I love a good battle – although, it’ll be unfair at first with the sixth grade basically writing “I write pretty – and mr. Mayfield is mean to me – and I can read big picture books!!!”

yeah, i’m thinking “the talk” about actually posting content vs. just random whatever will take a while to sink in – for some – obviously, there are at least two already that probably could survive schs English – except for the grammar part…

oh, I started my corbo story today – part II – before the first graders came in and I went brain dead…

“the last watch of the night” – high school BOB – should be a middle school BOB – would work well – anyway, it’s in our library – highly recommendable to you – the POV thing is pretty good – even though I can’t stand titanic b/c it reminds me of a very very bad movie:)

“the best American sports writing: 2013” – wow, what a book – great for middle school boys – my middle school boys – and good for the girls as well – like all top selection books, there are things that my kids will like more than others, but just some great writing in there – great writing selections that we’ll even look at in class – b/c as the editor says at the beginning (in paraphrase), we write about sports because it lets us write about life

I know, you thought band was life… well, YOU’RE WRONG!!!


and so it was all just a big game full of blowing up alien starships…

happy first week!!!

no bailey, no journals first week – just a ton of paperwork – and i’m sorry for that as well – but there is good news for my eighth grade – and some of my seventh grade – which i’ll try to announce tomorrow if I remember

“driven” by Donald driver – green bay packer and dancing with the stars great – book about his life – from homelessness to super bowl to DWTS fame – great encouraging read – very recommendable for my middle school guys

“(something), girls, and dangerous pie” – third BOB – I can’t remember the first word – it might even be girls – I remember the dangerous pie part – anyway, so I read that one in a day – that was the good part – the bad? well, let’s say it’s serious – seems to be a trend in this year’s list

“ender’s game” – fourth BOB – so I have one to go – this one took a while – and I really can’t write much on this one except to say that i’m curious – out of all the books – how this one is received – it’s a good book for adult gifted teachers, i’ll say that – and it is going to be a movie soon – but if you’re one for language, this one won’t sit well with you…

happy first day – everywhere


and so it all comes down to one last blow out week…

sometimes I even amaze myself, and last week was one of those weeks – despite being trapped for days on end in boring meetings, I managed to read…

“the 14 fibs of Gregory k.” – this is a great book – highly recommended for my sixth graders – and billy:) and honestly, the rest of my gifted class that that struggles to find its place in families in matters of their talents – for Gregory, it was being a writer in a math family – good read

“prisoner b-3087” – second BOB of the summer for me – sad, sad book – historical fiction – much sadder than between shades of grey – which I thought was pretty rough for middle school – i’ll obviously be curious for BOB feedback once ya’ll get into it – but to be clear… I DID NOT PICK THIS BOOK!!! 🙂

“Friday night lights book companion” – for my easy read of the week, a book about my favorite TV show – drama – of all-time – Dillon, texas, and Columbiana, Alabama are so, so, so very alike – just no band drama – but great book about the series – texas forever!!!


so i’ve now been officially trained on how to make the lit book “fun”…

busy last week – meetings are so much fun…

“Mister Max” – great book for sixth grade, my audience, and certainly below them – would make a great elementary book competition book – and even better, first of a series so those that get hooked can keep going – I liked probably most the early 20th century history that was mixed in – well, that and the ice cream mentions

“Homeless at Harvard” – compelling story of a Harvard graduate-to-be and the summer he spent purposefully homeless with the group at the Square – having been to the area – it was where I stayed for the Marathon – it just made the people that more interesting – I thought the book did a great job balancing its purpose – which wasn’t to solve the problems of homelessness or tell us what to do or how to fix it – the author just really tried to tell about his summer and the people he met – which left us to form our conclusions – very accessible book for my middle school gifted

“Write Out Loud” – works well for my middle school gifted – a book on the personal essay – what most colleges use in some way to admit – there were a few activities in the book that we’ll do in the classroom – just a great book on good writing principles – and clearly, something my kids can use in the future as they leave me

“cinder” – um, spoiler alert – BOB for this year – I was NOT happy as it is a romance – I’m sure Sarah Elizabeth will be thrilled with the selection – Billy, you must promise to hate this book…


i’m going to open my own nfl training camp and run around in practice shorts…

dearest students,
I hope this week is good to you – apparently from some e-mails I got this week, some of you are just realizing summer reading has started:) for the rest…

“follow me” – by david platt – my pastor – book that basically makes the case that while other religions of the world tell you to do certain things, Christianity tells you to follow a person – which then means that there’s not a “right way” to do things necessarily in all things – and his ideas are fleshed out in the remaining chapters – that part was a bit different – or I read it or understood it – differently than I have previously – the rest was just what ms. blount and I – seat buddies – have heard for the past few years – obviously, I enjoyed the book:)

“Rumsfeld’s rules” – former secretary of defense, chief of staff, and probably a billion other things, Donald Rumsfeld wrote a book that probably recaps what he tells businesses when he makes presentations today – it was a good book – any book on advice, wisdom, learned from a man at 80 can’t help but be good – it did tick me off after reading it though when I had a meeting Friday that basically violated all the rules in the book:)

so I’ve heard from billy, fred, annMarie, and some sixth grader named bailey that i’m teaching this fall – I guess – b/c that named didn’t ring a bell – anyway, happy band/football/reading days


i think next year band camp should be at the manning’s football camp…

so last week was a blast – managed to survive a 17-mile run this morning in about 95 percent humidity:)

you’ll notice reading is way down – still reading sports illustrated, runner’s world, and the like – but with media days last week, I read some of the football media guides – which i’m not counting – unless I lose to annMarie on the book count

“the poverty of nations” – great book for the middle school classroom – particularly my gifted one – because it’s an understandable (to the reader) look at what makes nations better off – and what some nations in poverty can do to raise their standard of living – the fact that the authors included a defense of their Christian faith made it all the better for me – but again, it’s definitely something my students could follow and I thought that was outstanding for an economist and a theologian

okay, so has the countdown for summer begun yet? that’s hard to do with days like today – although, I wish summer would go away… 🙂


media days is upon us…

so tune to ESPN this week for your favorite teacher making cameo appearances – hey, after this year’s championship game with Georgia, you just never know…

“!nnovation” – wonderful book my gifted bunch could both understand and get a lot out of – much less myself – the author, an innovator herself, interviewed many other successful creative people on how they’ve become who they’ve become – I saved a few activities for us to use this fall – most interesting a brainstorming activity one group uses

“better” – study through the book of ecclesiastes from a pastor in LA – los angles – not lower Alabama – very accessible book for my middle school kids who often search for many different things – rather than be content with where they’re currently at – and definitely good food thought for their teacher

“the reason I jump” – we should do a summer book – everyone at school – and all read this book – at 115 pages, it could be done – basically, it’s an autobiography of a 13-year-old with autism – the book is an amazing gift to us into the mind of autism – and how we relate – and what we could do to understand and better appreciate those with it – just tons of ideas to use in the classroom with this book

“the odyssey” i’m guessing this is the third time I’ve read this book – probably the second time on the blog – first time was summer 10th grade year – just a classic story of a guy coming home – I guess the setup – the structure – of the story is what got me this time – just the formalities people go through in that culture with guests

“journey to the center of the earth” – the amazing thing about reading is that your next favorite book is often right around the corner – and I think that’s one reason why I read – the hope I have that something i’m going to read is just going to be great – and Verne’s classic really was great – probably second to 80 days now to me – and I can urge the sixth grade to read this one over 20,000 leagues – I have no idea why someone bought those books for middle school – center of the earth is much more understandable

have a great week


it’s the rainy season around here…

billy, forgot to tell you, but i’m working on several pieces myself – including a fantastic follow up to the Corbo stories – so keep writing away…

“making the call” by Easley – remember the replacement refs in the NFL last year? this book is from the author of one of the infamous calls – great book for my kids about what happens when your 15 minutes of fame in life goes terribly wrong – how you deal or stand with that – and good inside look at the NFL – gets you ready for the fall

“fight” by preston sprinkle – should be required reading for all the troublemakers at my school:) actually, probably only my gifted would get it – but a great book about what the gospel has to say about non-violence – and believe it or not, there’s a lot – really makes you re-examine – particularly with the 4th – how close people tie the USA in with their faith – and whether that’s the right call (spoiler alert: it’s not)

“smartpop summer preview” – great look at several pieces on YA material – including the hunger games – the part that was the best was the essay on how best friends NEVER get the girl in literature – or movies – that while the best friend girl seems to always land her guy, that never works on the opposite side – great, cute point – we may read it in class this fall

“quiet kids” by fonseca – book primarily for parents of introverts – really works well for teachers, like me, and how to teach introverts – we’ll use some of the activities this fall – if nothing else, as a way for everyone in class to realize that not everyone loves dealing with people 24/7 – there are some of us that need our quiet time:)

hope your week is a great one

another year, another liberty day sack full of candy and beads:)

again, fred, marvelous job

billy, I appreciate the taunting of the Georgia runner:)

and annmarie, thanks for, um, NOTHING!!!

“the sports gene” – great book for my athletes and budding scientists – the author, a runner (so you can trust him), looks at how genetics, DNA, affect sporting performance – everything from sprints to jumps to throws to long runs – very interesting, informative, and didn’t make me run faster this weekend, but I now know why:)

“11 Rings” by phil Jackson – former Bulls and Lakers coach – story of all 11 NBA championships he led – classic book for me on how to motivate people – obviously with me, it’s teaching – several things Jackson talked about I can do with my kids this year – and I told that to several teachers I taught Wednesday and I think they only thing they learned from my presentation was to go buy that book:)

“Playing with a Purpose: Football” by Yorkey – story of football players in the NFL and their faith – this book is similar to the other books Yorkey’s done, funny how that works that way, but this one is also very different from them – Yorkey blends in more personal asides which make the book funnier, also more insightful when he follows the Chargers’ chaplain the weekend of the Chiefs’ tragedy this year – obviously, with Aaron Hernandez in the news, the NFL and its players have problems, and Yorkey’s book highlights the good that goes on

hope everyone has a great fourth – to follow up Liberty Day, I’m off to Oak Mountain to run in a race up and down the Mountain – 8.2 miles of fun…


Gifted AND Talented at Columbiana Middle