Announcement from OMMS PTO – Please Read

Don’t forget to have your student register for our “Feed the Need” fundraiser, if you haven’t done so already. We are raising money for our school but also raising money to send 20,000 meals to hungry children in Haiti, as well as, our local food banks.  Our goal is to raise $100,00!  If each student in our school would commit to raising just $100 each, we would not only meet our goal but exceed our goal! So, let’s get started this weekend!  Sign your student up using the link below.

Students will win daily prizes for their efforts, as well as, the chance to win bigger prizes for larger donations brought in towards the end of the fundraising period.  This weekend, if your student raises $25, they will win a FREE HOMEWORK PASS!  

If you own a local business or know someone who does, please see attached corporate sponsorship package. Partnering with the OMMS provides needed support for the school, while offering great marketing opportunities to our corporate sponsors. 
Thanks so much in advance for all you do!  We appreciate your support and couldn’t do it without you!