Students received report cards during their Advisory classes today.
Due to students, parents and visitors that need to have access to the handicap parking and loading/unloading zone, please park in the front parking lot when picking up or dropping off your student during the school day.
OMMS PTO is looking for new recruits for the upcoming school year! If you are interested in volunteering in any way- whether it is for a Board or Committee position, we want to hear from you! Please complete the form below, and a member of the team will be in touch!
Alabama’s School Scoliosis Program is an opt-in screening program (meaning you must request the screening) for students in grades 5-9. Scoliosis is a curvature of the spine and is a common disorder. Most curvatures are of minor consequence, but some can progress and lead to serious health conditions if not corrected. It is recommended that all children ages 11-14 be screened annually. School nurses can provide that service at school if desired. If you are interested in having your child screened at school, please fill out the attached consent form and return it to the school.
Any 8th grader interested in running for a high school SGA officer or representative position should pick up an application in room A17. Completed applications are due by Wednesday, April 5th.
Parents we are in the midst of our
Feed The Need Fundraiser which will raise money for OMMS and in return we will help our local missions. We will provide 10K meals for Oak Mountain Missions and give to our alumni at Sozo Children in Uganda as well as Grace Klein Community. Our goal is to raise $30K and we can’t do it without you! Please see the attached flier for info and get registered today so we can help these wonderful, local organizations!
We no longer have OMMS agendas available for sale. Students should purchase a daily planner to use as their agenda from an outside source. Students must use agendas/planners for hall passes.
Reminder that yoga pants of any kind, including the style that flares at the ankle, are not in dress code and should not be worn to school.
Reminder that students should not have devices out in the hallways at any time upon arrival into the school building or during bus, carpool and athlete dismissal.
Reminder that bus transportation changes will be approved by administration for childcare or emergency purposes, not for social reasons. If a bus transportation change is necessary, the student must have a signed parent note stating the reason for the change that has been approved by administration before riding the bus. Notes should be turned in 24 hours in advance.
Yearbooks Are Selling Fast! The 2023 OMMS yearbooks are selling fast! We only have a limited number available. Please use the following link to order before they sell out!. If you have any questions, please email either Mrs. Harding ( or Mr. McIndoe (
OMMS Sports Information:
Good luck to: Baseball as they play Auburn in a double header tomorrow and girls lacrosse in their game with Auburn at Trussville Sports Complex tomorrow.
Girls Basketball Tryouts will be held the following dates and times:
Monday, April 24th 3-5:30pm (7th & 8th grades)
Tuesday, April 25th 3-5pm (7th grade); 5-7pm (8th grade)
Wednesday, April 26th 3-5:30pm (7th & 8th grades)
Thursday, April 27th 3-5pm (7th grade); 5-7pm (8th grade)
OMMS Football Sign up- Spring Training for current 6th & 7th graders will be held in early May. There will be a parent meeting on Monday, April 17th @ 5:30pm in the OMMS cafeteria. Players interested in playing football at OMMS should sign up using the link on the OMMS Football website In order to participate, players will need a current physical and Dragonfly will need to be 100%. Visit the website for more details, or email Coach Hackbarth at
OMHS Football-8th graders who are interested in playing football at OMHS next year-there is a MANDATORY meeting on Monday, April 3rd @ 6pm in the OMHS cafeteria. Players will meet with Coach McCombs and staff. In order to participate, players will need a current physical and Dragonfly will need to be 100%. If you have not signed up, contact Coach Hackbarth at
OMHS Girls Basketball Information: 8th grade girls that are interested in trying out for basketball at OMHS will meet with Coach Parmer on Tuesday, March 21st in the OMMS cafeteria during advisory. Students should check in with their Advisory teacher and then report to the cafeteria.
March roars in with 15% OFF sitewide when you spend $100 or more. That means you can score all those custom caps, tees, hoodies and accessories you’ve been eyeing FOR LESS, now thru 3/31 at your OAK MOUNTAIN MIDDLE SCHOOL Sideline Store. Don’t forget to use code SAVE15 at checkout. See you there!
OMHS & Community Information:
Come be a part of the Oak Mountain Football Gridiron Club. We will be working on improving facilities and helping players gain exposure through camps and 7 v. 7’s. The Gridiron club is open to all residents/students of Oak Mountain. We encourage all families to join and help improve Oak Mountain football throughout the community. Membership fees can be paid through My School Bucks or check payable to Oak Mountain Gridiron Club. If paying by check, please drop off the attached registration form and payment at the OMHS Front Office.