January 15 Announcements

2018-19 SpeakUp Survey 

Speak Up Survey

Students, educators, parents, community members: share your views on technology and learning! Have your voice heard locally and nationally!

Take the Survey!

Our Academic Partners will be meeting Thursday January 17, 8:15am.  They would like to invite any parent to this meeting. All are welcome to attend!

Washington DC-payments are due today! All accounts must be paid for students to attend. For account balance inquiry, email Mrs. Kennedy. Email scanned copy of insurance card (front and back) that covers student to Mrs. Kennedy. Parent/Student Meeting will be Tuesday, February 5th at 6:00pm in the OMMS Cafeteria. Please enter through Door #7 (by the Gym). jkennedy@shelbyed.org See OMMS DC Blog for updates. https://podcasts.shelbyed.k12.al.us/omms-dctrip/

Dance Team-packets are still available from Mrs. Howton in the library! All registration documents for clinic are due to Mrs. Howton by Monday, January 28th. Clinic is February 4-6 and tryouts are February 7th!

Cheer-information packets will be available for pick up from A-3 or C-9 beginning January 22nd.  Clinic-Feb. 25-29; tryouts March 1st.

OM Sweatpants Sale-order forms and samples are in the front office. Deadline to submit an order is Friday, Jan. 18th. FBLA Sweatpants Sale Details

Science Club-next meeting will be Monday, January 28th after school until 4:30pm.

7th grade scholar’s bowl- no practice today. Next practice will be next Tuesday, Jan 22 in B-8 until 4:30.

8th grade Scholars’ Bowl-no practice today. Next practice will be Thursday, Jan. 17th.

Library-will be closed on Wednesday morning due to First Priority meeting.

Scoliosis screening letters-will be given out to students today during 7th period. It is very important that you take this letter home to parents.

Parents please note, the scoliosis screening process is different than in previous years.  If you DO want your child screened you must return this signed letter by Friday, January 18th.  Students that do not return the letter will not be screened.  (Letter is attached to this e-news).

Items in hallways-do not leave any personal belongings, cell phones, ear buds, sports bags, purses, backpacks, lunch boxes, etc. in the hallways. All items must go in your locker or a place designated by your coach.

Debate team-will meet today after school from 3:00-4:00 PM in B-14.

We will be on a morning activity schedule tomorrow due to Character assembly.


Track and Field try outs will be February 5-7, 2019 (please note date change). If you would like to tryout please see Ms. Salmon or Mr. Hackbarth for more information. All forms need to be turned in by January 25th!

Good luck to our boys basketball team as they play @ Homewood today!

Attachments (3)

2 MB   View   Download

Oak Mountain Pastors Luncheon.pdf

1 MB   View   Download

Scoliosis Parent Letter.pdf

22 KB   View   Download