If I were a parent with a child going into second-grade this year, I’d really want to get to know my child’s teacher. So, I thought I’d go ahead and give parents a glance of how I have been making personal choices regarding the pandemic.
I just want to give parents a little peace of mind that I have done everything in my power to keep myself, my husband, my parents and my almost 2-year-old son from being exposed. We have not gone back into large group gatherings in public. We haven’t even gone into stores with my son or used public restrooms because my son isn’t old enough to wear a mask. (My husband or I may go to get groceries wearing a mask while someone watches our son.) My husband is an essential worker for Marathon Electrical Contractors, so life has not changed much for him, but he is also required to wear a mask.
I just want to let you know that the only people I’ve been close enough to hug in the last month have been my own parents. This is, of course, my personal choice, and we’ve enjoyed it. I’m thankful to have been able to spend extended time with my son and family. I realize that will all change drastically as school begins, and we are around students and staff. Maya Angelou said, “Do the best you can until you know better, then do better.” That’s simply what I’ve tried to do: the best I can in the situation I’m in. We strive to remain flexible, adaptable, and wise in every new situation. That includes school starting back, and we’ll take it one day at a time until we get into a routine. This is the situation we will be in when school starts, and it will be ok!
That being said, in years past, I usually get to start planning and working in my classroom starting the week of July 4th, but this year, the first day we can start working in our classroom is July 20th. We are not allowed to have anyone come assist us or bring children with us. We hope to hear soon what Meet the Teacher will look like!
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