September 24 Announcements

Members of the 6th, 7th and 8th grade Scholars bowl teams should report to their respective sponsors’ rooms at 3pm today.  Parents should pick up at 4:30.

The verification portion of the NJHS Parent Letter and dues are due to Mrs. Colley by Wednesday, September 25th

First Priority invites everyone to “See You At the Pole” on Wednesday, September 25th, 7:15 am at the flag pole by the football field.

OMMS SPIRIT WEEK will be next week SEPTEMBER 30TH- OCTOBER 3RD!  Dress up days are as follows:




THURSDAY- SOAR PAST THE WARRIORS- RED/WHITE/BLUE EAGLE DAY; 6th grade- WHITE SGA shirts and/or all WHITE; 7th grade- RED SGA shirts and/or all RED; 8th grade- BLUE SGA shirts and/or all BLUE

Additionally, all advisory classes are invited and highly encouraged to participate in our inaugural SOAR door decorating contest!  Throughout the week, advisory teachers and students decorate your door and entry area in any way you wish to incorporate our SOAR theme.  On Friday all doors will be judged and the winning class will be awarded with a “free concession Friday” where the students can go to the concession stand and choose 2 items at no charge.  More details will be forthcoming, but brainstorming discussions in advisory can go ahead and begin.  We hope to make this a fun time for our spirit week!

OMMS PTO is looking for businesses to sponsor our school!  For $250, your company logo will be featured on the OMMS Life Facebook page (which has over 900 followers!) all year long and your company information will be distributed in a school-wide list serve email.  Our partnership allows for extremely targeted advertising to almost 1,100 students and their families!  Please turn in the attached form and your donation to the front office to show your support of OMMS students and teachers!


Cross Country should dismiss at 2:15 to change in locker rooms and meet on gym hallway for Shelby County Championship.  Good luck to our teams!

Everyone is invited to our Athletic Booster club meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 1 at 6:00 pm at OMMS. Coaches from all winter sports as well as baseball will be speaking about upcoming tryouts/evaluations for their respective teams. An AD will be on hand as well to answer any eligibility questions. 

Girls who want to try-out for basketball need to see Coach Noel & Coach Dillard in the gym.  Try-outs will be October 7-10th. 7th grade from 3-5pm; 8th 5-7th.  

Oak Mountain Middle School boys’ basketball tryouts for the 2019-2020 season will be held October 4-6 at OMMS. If interested, students MUST sign up with Coach Binkley during P.E. In order for students to be able to participate in tryouts, they MUST have an updated physical and all information on Dragonfly updated. If you have any questions please contact Coach Binkley via email @ Tryout times are listed below. Please note that students must be at all three tryouts unless otherwise approved by the coaching staff.  Tryouts dates are: Friday: October 4th, 2019 7th:  5:15- 7:15 am, 8th: 3:15-5:30 pm, Saturday: October 5th, 2019 7th: 4:00-6:00 pm, 8th: 6:00-8:00 pm, Sunday: October 6th, 2019 7th: 2:00-4:00 pm, 8th: 4:00-6:00 pm.

Oak Mountain Girls Basketball League is now open.  Registration for girls in the 2nd-6th grades is now open through our web site or by paper copy.  Please email Coach Noel if you need a form or have any questions at  Early registration cost:  $100; after October 30th cost is $125.  Evaluation/Placement Date: October 30, 2019 at OMMS 7:00-8:00pm 2nd-4th graders; 8:00-9:00pm 5th-6th graders.   Practices will begin November 5th, mainly held on Tuesdays.  Our first game will be Saturday, December 7th. 

Oak Mountain – Mountain Biking Team Informational Meeting and Signup, Tuesday, September 24th OMHS Cafeteria at 6:30 pm.  Open to all riders grades 6th through 12th.  No mountain biking experience needed.

Oak Mountain Middle School baseball tryouts for the 2019-2020 team will be held October 18th, 20th, 26th and 27th. Students who are interested must sign up with Coach Renfro (Room A-18) in order to participate in tryouts. Students must have updated physical and all required information submitted on Dragonfly. If you have any questions contact Coach Renfro ( Tryout Schedule: Friday, October 18th (3:45-6:00) and Sunday, October 20th (1:30-4:30). A preliminary cut will be made after the first 2 tryout dates. The final round of tryouts will be Saturday, October 26th (9:00-12:00) and Sunday, October 27th (1:30-4:30).  All tryouts will be held at Oak Mountain High School.

Attachments (2)
Teen Happenings Sept 19 OMMS.docx
13 KB   View Download

2019-2020 PTO Flyer-Business.pdf
70 KB   View Download