Daily Archives: August 7, 2020

OMMS Curbside Medication Drop Off Information

OMMS Parents and Guardians,

If your child will take prescription medication or have emergency medication while at school, we will have a curbside medicine drive through drop off on Tuesday, August 11 from 8 -10 AM (front of the building car rider line). Please complete the attached authorization form and bring your medication in the original container.  Our school nurse, Beth Stone, RN will be available at this time.  If you have any questions or if Tuesday does not work for you, please contact Beth Stone via email b2stone@shelbyed.org or you may call (205) 682-5347.  Only emergency medication may be kept on person.  Thank you for your support as we begin the school year.

Attachments (2)

School Medication Parent Authorization.pdf94 KB   View Download

Medication On Person Document.pdf78 KB   View Download