Today we discussed the next five poems in Blue Lipstick and filled out the accompanying worksheet. After that, we discussed writing the 200 word minimum preface to your project. When writing it, think about why you chose your topic? What interests you about it? You can use personal pronouns like “I” in this piece of writing. Have a rough draft ready to show Mrs. Culver on Monday.
"A Worn Path" by Welty
A Raisin in the Sun
- "All of it" scene: Mr. Linder visits
- "Ocean Liner" scene
- "Thank You Walter" scene
- "This is Business" scene
- A Raisin in the Sun Text
- A Raisin in the Sun: Introduction
- Interview between Mike Wallace and Lorraine Hansberry
- Soundtrack for A Raisin in the Sun
- Trailer for A Raisin in the Sun (Spoilers…)
- Video: 10 minutes About Lorraine Hansberry
- Video: Introduction to A Raisin in the Sun (Some Spoilers)
- Watch After the Play
Academic Vocabulary to Know
ACT Practice
- ACT English Practice Tests
- ACT English: Adverb and Adjective Review
- ACT English: Apostrophe Video
- ACT English: Colons and Semicolon Review Video
- ACT English: Gerunds and Possessive Case of Pronouns
- ACT English: How to Identify the Issue video
- ACT English: Misplaced Modifiers Video
- ACT English: Pronoun Usage
- ACT English: Who, Whom, That, Which, Where (Relative Pronouns) Video
- ACT Exam Practice Tests–write your answers down and compare them to the answer key
- ACT Reading Passage Practice
- ACT Student—Sample Test
- Chomp Chomp–English ACT prep
- Explore English Test for ACT–pdf with answers at bottom
- Inside the ACT: Getting to Know the ACT
- MH Practice Plus Act Prep–GREAT VIDEOS TO HELP YOU!!! Use headphones if you view these in library
- Practice ACT Test
Books Online!
College Essay Tips
Creative Writing
- 10 Talks from Authors—Ted Talks
- 13 Inspirational TED Talks for Writers
- A Year's Worth of Pictures to Write About
- Free Writing Prompts
- How to Avoid VERY words
- Instead of using LOOK use…
- Periodic Table Poetry Ideas
- Playwriting: Creating a character
- Plot Point Generator
- Poetry Prompts
- Prose Prompts
- Random Character Generator
- Random Scenario Generator
- Raymond Carver: Short Story and Poetry Writer Chapter 1
- Said is Dead
- Story Title Generator
- Touchy Feely Words/Imagery
- Words to Describe Someone's Voice
- Writing Prompts for August
- Writing Prompts for January
- Writing Prompts for June
- Writing Prompts for March
- Writing Prompts for May
- Writing Prompts for November
- Writing Prompts for September
Death of a Salesman
Historical Documents
Links You Can Use!
- 60 Second Recap 3: Themes
- Adjective, Adverb, and Noun Clauses Video
- Concrete Nouns
- Phrases and Clauses Shmoop
- Prepositions Video (Schoolhouse Rock)
- Text to Text: Real Life Connections to Novels and Plays We Read
- Tony Hawk: Do What You Love
- Video of
- What are claims and counterclaims?
Night Links
- Introduction to Night–60 Second Recap Lady
- Night: Context Analysis
- Night: Final Analysis
- Night: Motifs
- Night: Plot Summary and Analysis–Watch when finished with novel
- Night: Summary Overview–Watch before you begin
- Night: Symbols
- Night: Theme 1
- Night: Theme 2
- Night's Characters by 60 Second Recap Lady
Of Mice and Men
- Audio of Gary Sinese Reading Of Mice and Men
- Audio of Of Mice and Men
- Of Mice and Men Video Summary by Sparknotes
- Of Mice and Men: Characters
- Of Mice and Men: Extra Credit
- Of Mice and Men: George (Don't watch it until you are done. Spoilers.)
- Of Mice and Men: In Conclusion
- Of Mice and Men: Message
- Of Mice and Men: Motifs
- Of Mice and Men: Setting
- Of Mice and Men: Symbols
- Of Mice and Men: The Plot–All found in chapter 1! (Watch after chapter 1)
- Of Mice and Men: Themes
Research Help
Shelby County Schools Related
Short Stories Online
Teacher Links...
Tennessee Williams
The Crucible
- From Farm Boy to Fearmonger: Senator McCarthy Video
- LeRoy High Hysteria: Dr. Drew Video
- Mass Hysteria—Girls at LeRoy High Video 1
- Overview of The Crucible
- The Crucible Characters
- The Crucible: Context
- The Crucible: Final Analysis
- The Crucible: John Proctor
- The Crucible: Motifs
- The Crucible: Plot
- The Crucible: Theme 1: Hysteria
- The Crucible: Theme 2: Guilt
The Great Gatsby Links
- 60 Second Recap 1: The Overview
- 60 Second Recap 10: Protagonist
- 60 Second Recap 2: Symbol 1–The Valley of Ashes
- 60 Second Recap 3: Themes
- 60 Second Recap 5: Plot
- 60 Second Recap 6: Overview and Analysis
- 60 Second Recap 8: Characters
- 60 Second Recap 9: Final Analysis:
- 60 Second Recapt 7: Symbol 2–TJ Eckleberg
- An Index to The Great Gatsby
- Audio of The Great Gatsby
- Chapter 1 of The Great Gatsby
- Chapter 2 of The Great Gatsby
- Chapter 3 of The Great Gatsby
- Chapter 4 of The Great Gatsby
- Chapter 5 in The Great Gatsby
- Chapter 6 of The Great Gatsby
- Chapter 7 of The Great Gatsby
- Chapter 8 of The Great Gatsby
- Chapter 9 of The Great Gatsby
- Crashcourse Pt 1: The Great Gatsby
- Fads of the 1920s
- Great Gatsby Poem
- The Great Gatsby ELL
- The Great Gatsby Music
- The Great Gatsby Online!
- Video of the Setting of The Great Gatsby
- Vocabulary for 1
- Vocabulary for 2-3
- Vocabulary for 4-5 The Great Gatsby
- Vocabulary for 6-7 The Great Gatsby
- Vocabulary for 8-9 The Great Gatsby
- What was it like to live in the 1920s?
The Lottery
Their Eyes Were Watching God
- A Raisin in the Sun (4)
- ACT (12)
- American Dream (25)
- Animal Farm (4)
- Art Connection (6)
- Beginning of the Year (8)
- Calendar (13)
- Carl Sandburg (1)
- Creative Writing (15)
- Debate (4)
- Eureka (1)
- Fahrenheit 451 (3)
- First Semester (2)
- Generation Gap Unit-11th grade (6)
- Google Classroom (1)
- Great Expectations (41)
- History Connection (4)
- Justice Theme–First Nine Weeks (2)
- Lesson Plans for 11th Grade (18)
- Lit Circles (1)
- Night (4)
- No Red Ink (2)
- Of Mice and Men (5)
- Photos (40)
- Poetry (11)
- Poetry Portfolio Project (30)
- Reading What We Want to Read (8)
- Romeo and Juliet (18)
- Science Connection (1)
- Short Story Unit (26)
- Teacher Stuff (1)
- The Crucible (7)
- The Glass Menagerie (1)
- The Great Gatsby (18)
- The Odyssey (5)
- Their Eyes Were Watching God (11)
- Third Night Weeks (2)
- To Kill a Mockingbird (26)
- Tuesdays with Morrie–11th (1)
- Twelve Angry Men (6)
- Uncategorized (313)
- Vocabulary (12)
- Writing (24)
- November 2017 (1)
- May 2017 (1)
- March 2017 (1)
- January 2017 (1)
- October 2016 (3)
- September 2016 (4)
- August 2016 (2)
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- August 2010 (11)
- July 2010 (1)
- June 2010 (1)
- May 2010 (10)
- April 2010 (10)
- March 2010 (9)
Check it out! im already done with it! hah. & since you made an effort to tell us about your blog i just figured id give you proof i actually looked at it!
Thank you Miss Giddens!