Category Archives: Great Expectations


Today I passed out two informational sheets about the Literary Portfolio Project, which is worth 400 points and is spread out over a long period of time during 4th 9 weeks.  Forgive the typos on the topic list—I was tired! … Continue reading

Posted in Debate, Great Expectations, Poetry Portfolio Project | 2 Comments

GE Essays & Other Stuff

Typed GE essays due by Wednesday. Double space it, Arial or Times New Roman. 12 font.  Put all your rough drafts behind the final typed draft. Tell me tomorrow in class if you need to type in the library. Bring … Continue reading

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Wednesday, March 2

Today we had another grad. exam practice test—-social studies.  After practice tests, we met for fourth period, first period, second period, and third period.  We went over Making Meanings and they got their Great Expectations Essay Topics if they didn’t get it … Continue reading

Posted in Great Expectations, Reading What We Want to Read | 1 Comment

That sound you hear

is the sound of about 160 students shouting and breathing a sigh of relief. We finished Great Expectations today. 🙂  Notes have been given, worksheets handed out and done (one of them) in class. The other one, Making Meanings, is … Continue reading

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Monday, Feb. 28

So glad tomorrow is the first of March! Bring on Spring Break! Today was the beginning of practice tests for the grad exam for ninth graders.  I only got to meet with my fourth, second, and third period classes today … Continue reading

Posted in Great Expectations, Photos | 1 Comment

Weekend HW

We read chapter 56 and half of 57 in class. Finish 57 and read 58. Let’s save the very last chapter of Great Expectations for class. I can’t wait to hear what you think about the ending.

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Thurs: Modifier Art/Wrapping up GE

Hello! Today we had fun creating MODIFIER ART. 🙂  If you were absent, make sure you make it up.  Homework tonight: read chapters 54 and 55 of Great Expectations! We are almost done! Hang on!!! 🙂 Parents, I sent home … Continue reading

Posted in Great Expectations | 3 Comments


 Today I gave you a lot of notes to prepare you for the test on Wednesday—chapters 36-48 from Great Exp.  Add it to your folder for page number 6.                Tomorrow is lit circle day, so … Continue reading

Posted in Great Expectations, Photos, Uncategorized | 2 Comments


Today we turned in warm ups and review yesterday’s grammar work—modifiers  pg. 667-671  Ex. 11,12,13   Answers only except for Ex. 12.  1-10 write sentences.   We put this grammar work in our table of contents for the folder—number 5. We reviewed … Continue reading

Posted in Great Expectations, Lit Circles, Photos | 2 Comments

Thursday, Feb. 17

“But, sharpest and deepest pain of all–it was for the convict, guilty of I knew not what crimes, and liable to be taken out of those rooms where I sat thinking, and hanged at the Old Bailey door, that I … Continue reading

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