"A Worn Path" by Welty
A Raisin in the Sun
- "All of it" scene: Mr. Linder visits
- "Ocean Liner" scene
- "Thank You Walter" scene
- "This is Business" scene
- A Raisin in the Sun Text
- A Raisin in the Sun: Introduction
- Interview between Mike Wallace and Lorraine Hansberry
- Soundtrack for A Raisin in the Sun
- Trailer for A Raisin in the Sun (Spoilers…)
- Video: 10 minutes About Lorraine Hansberry
- Video: Introduction to A Raisin in the Sun (Some Spoilers)
- Watch After the Play
Academic Vocabulary to Know
ACT Practice
- ACT English Practice Tests
- ACT English: Adverb and Adjective Review
- ACT English: Apostrophe Video
- ACT English: Colons and Semicolon Review Video
- ACT English: Gerunds and Possessive Case of Pronouns
- ACT English: How to Identify the Issue video
- ACT English: Misplaced Modifiers Video
- ACT English: Pronoun Usage
- ACT English: Who, Whom, That, Which, Where (Relative Pronouns) Video
- ACT Exam Practice Tests–write your answers down and compare them to the answer key
- ACT Reading Passage Practice
- ACT Student—Sample Test
- Chomp Chomp–English ACT prep
- Explore English Test for ACT–pdf with answers at bottom
- Inside the ACT: Getting to Know the ACT
- MH Practice Plus Act Prep–GREAT VIDEOS TO HELP YOU!!! Use headphones if you view these in library
- Practice ACT Test
Books Online!
College Essay Tips
Creative Writing
- 10 Talks from Authors—Ted Talks
- 13 Inspirational TED Talks for Writers
- A Year's Worth of Pictures to Write About
- Free Writing Prompts
- How to Avoid VERY words
- http://www.everypoet.net/element/display.php?symbol=Mo
- Instead of using LOOK use…
- Periodic Table Poetry Ideas
- Playwriting: Creating a character
- Plot Point Generator
- Poetry Prompts
- Prose Prompts
- Random Character Generator
- Random Scenario Generator
- Raymond Carver: Short Story and Poetry Writer Chapter 1
- Said is Dead
- Story Title Generator
- Touchy Feely Words/Imagery
- Words to Describe Someone's Voice
- Writing Prompts for August
- Writing Prompts for January
- Writing Prompts for June
- Writing Prompts for March
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- Writing Prompts for September
Death of a Salesman
Historical Documents
Links You Can Use!
- 60 Second Recap 3: Themes
- Adjective, Adverb, and Noun Clauses Video
- Concrete Nouns
- http://learning.blogs.nytimes.com/tag/text-to-text/
- Phrases and Clauses Shmoop
- Prepositions Video (Schoolhouse Rock)
- Text to Text: Real Life Connections to Novels and Plays We Read
- Tony Hawk: Do What You Love
- Video of
- What are claims and counterclaims?
Night Links
- Introduction to Night–60 Second Recap Lady
- Night: Context Analysis
- Night: Final Analysis
- Night: Motifs
- Night: Plot Summary and Analysis–Watch when finished with novel
- Night: Summary Overview–Watch before you begin
- Night: Symbols
- Night: Theme 1
- Night: Theme 2
- Night's Characters by 60 Second Recap Lady
Of Mice and Men
- Audio of Gary Sinese Reading Of Mice and Men
- Audio of Of Mice and Men
- Of Mice and Men Video Summary by Sparknotes
- Of Mice and Men: Characters
- Of Mice and Men: Extra Credit
- Of Mice and Men: George (Don't watch it until you are done. Spoilers.)
- Of Mice and Men: In Conclusion
- Of Mice and Men: Message
- Of Mice and Men: Motifs
- Of Mice and Men: Setting
- Of Mice and Men: Symbols
- Of Mice and Men: The Plot–All found in chapter 1! (Watch after chapter 1)
- Of Mice and Men: Themes
Research Help
Shelby County Schools Related
Short Stories Online
Teacher Links...
Tennessee Williams
The Crucible
- From Farm Boy to Fearmonger: Senator McCarthy Video
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- Mass Hysteria—Girls at LeRoy High Video 1
- Overview of The Crucible
- The Crucible Characters
- The Crucible: Context
- The Crucible: Final Analysis
- The Crucible: John Proctor
- The Crucible: Motifs
- The Crucible: Plot
- The Crucible: Theme 1: Hysteria
- The Crucible: Theme 2: Guilt
The Great Gatsby Links
- 60 Second Recap 1: The Overview
- 60 Second Recap 10: Protagonist
- 60 Second Recap 2: Symbol 1–The Valley of Ashes
- 60 Second Recap 3: Themes
- 60 Second Recap 5: Plot
- 60 Second Recap 6: Overview and Analysis
- 60 Second Recap 8: Characters
- 60 Second Recap 9: Final Analysis:
- 60 Second Recapt 7: Symbol 2–TJ Eckleberg
- An Index to The Great Gatsby
- Audio of The Great Gatsby
- Chapter 1 of The Great Gatsby
- Chapter 2 of The Great Gatsby
- Chapter 3 of The Great Gatsby
- Chapter 4 of The Great Gatsby
- Chapter 5 in The Great Gatsby
- Chapter 6 of The Great Gatsby
- Chapter 7 of The Great Gatsby
- Chapter 8 of The Great Gatsby
- Chapter 9 of The Great Gatsby
- Crashcourse Pt 1: The Great Gatsby
- Fads of the 1920s
- Great Gatsby Poem
- The Great Gatsby ELL
- The Great Gatsby Music
- The Great Gatsby Online!
- Video of the Setting of The Great Gatsby
- Vocabulary for 1
- Vocabulary for 2-3
- Vocabulary for 4-5 The Great Gatsby
- Vocabulary for 6-7 The Great Gatsby
- Vocabulary for 8-9 The Great Gatsby
- What was it like to live in the 1920s?
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J Mac and Alex’s Puppet Show & John’s Song
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man that puppet show went good bc i was in it
your a grerat teacher mrs culver love u
its great
man i did a good job
i had a good time wish in could do it agiine
i love this class!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wish everybody did as good as me and alex
everybody needs to commne tthis blog we need to break 100
I know its me aginhe but comment the blog
What did yall think about the puppet show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
We have ten comments so far
Me and alex got a 70 on this
We should have got an A i worked a whole 1 hour on this
What do yal think about this video
if u watch the video coment the blog
whats up
Mrs culver when are we going to have another show
I told u i would comment the blog
im in creativwritting doing this bc i have a 100 in this class
Ur the best mrs culver
Watch the video
mrs culver u should comment it
ZThe most blogs any thing has had is 27 im going to break it
i know it sounds childish but idc
That was funny. Good work with the montage.
thanks sarah
!!!!! !!!!! !!!!
I have 30
i know i commented most of em but itas alright peace keep commenting it yal
Okay now, JMAC. Please stop!
okay but we should get a B
ur the best teacher ever!!!!!!!!!!
this is my last commetn ths blog love everybody and it was a great expirence and greatest project love america
this project probably got an A, this project was super funny! God Bless America!
Hey mrs. culver i think that Jmac and Alex did a great job on this prodject!!!
this was an ok job on this hahah jk bad!!
Mrs. Culver, does jmac talk this much during class??? i think my ears would explode!!!
mine was the best:)
i think we did a GREAT JOB Mrs. Culver