
Today I passed out two informational sheets about the Literary Portfolio Project, which is worth 400 points and is spread out over a long period of time during 4th 9 weeks.  Forgive the typos on the topic list—I was tired! 🙂

Students should be thinking of what their portfolio topic will be. We will begin working on your portfolio as well as the poetry selections in our textbook when you return from the break.

Don’t worry about turning in your journal tomorrow. Just wait until you come back from the break.  I won’t have time to grade the journals AND the essays, so the journals will make a great first grade for your 4th 9 weeks.

If you are interested in joining debate, meetings from here on out (this year) are on Thursday afternoons. Please come and see what it is all about.  Also, please sign up for debate for next year’s enrichment class. 🙂

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2 Responses to Thursday

  1. Jamie Thompson says:

    how do you sign up for debate as an extra class if we have already picked our classes for next year?? just trying to figure this out

    thanks jamie 🙂

  2. Alexys Tracy says:

    Hey Mrs. Culver, Im board and its spring break. Well i just wanted to tell you thati miss beingin your class every morning. Oh, and im so confused on my topic for the portfolio project. I really want to get into this project and see what my imagination can do. I will hopefully have a topic to use by Tuesday. Well i have to go make dinner. Hope your kids are doing well. Have a nice brake.

    Love Alexys 🙂

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