Hi. Sorry I’ve been absent from this blog! Parents, very little homework has been sent out since we started back this 9 weeks. Most of their work has been done in the classroom…the only homework is what is not finished in class. They should be reading a book of their own choice at home. Have you been seeing your child reading?
I’m so happy to see some students reading when they have previously expressed that they didn’t like reading very much.
Today we reviewed pronoun case in the Writer’s Choice book and discussed the free verse in Walt Whitman’s “A Noiseless, Patient Spider.”
Hey Mrs. Culver!
I wanted to know what I should be Studing/Working on in order for me to not be behind when i come back from the alternative school in 10 days!
Mariah, print out the calendar that is a few posts back. That should help you!
Okay! Thanks!