We are in the computer lab today. I will be giving you a rubric for the persuasive essay. This rubric will show you/remind you about what you will be graded on when you turn in your persuasive essay. Before you print out your essay (if you finish today), please double check with the rubric, with others, and with me. You will need to pay for whatever you print out today. Ten cents a page—take it downstairs to Mrs. Kirk.
IF you finish early today, I have some 12 Angry Men work for you to do and put in your folder as #2,#3, and #4. I do not expect them to be done today. That would be absurd. However, you can certainly get started on them. You can find 12 Angry Men online here.
I am also passing out past due library fines/reminders. Please take care of your business while we are here in the library.
Thank you!