***I reserve the right to make changes as the week progresses.
Monday, Oct 26:
1. Bellringer: ACT Practice Video on Semicolons, Colons, and Dashes (Reminder of FANBOYS)
2. Quiz on Chapter 11 and 12 of EYES
3. Summary Squares for 11 and 12 and discussion
4. If you haven’t done the Active and Passive Voice and Commonly Confused Words I on www.noredink.com, please do before Friday. They will be bronze grades. The class code is below.
Tuesday, October 27
1. Bellringer: ACT PRACTICE
Reading Comprehension on the ACT READING TEST
2. Discuss chapter 13: Teacake and Janie in Jacksonville, FL/Summary Square 13
3. Map of Florida/Setting
4. Pass out papers/tests/folders. Go over tests and quizzes
5. Chapter 14 to 15 (very short!) HW
Wednesday, October 28
1. Bellringer: ACT Practice
2. Summary Square for Chapter 14-15
3. Packet at desk: Questions about chapters 13-15, Practice with analogies, and root word “bel”
Turn in if finished with questions. Otherwise, keep your own paper and finish tomorrow.
Thursday, October 29
1. Bellringer: ACT Practice
2. Finally review Ch. 6 WS on imagery.
3. Pop Quiz on Chapters 12 through 15 multiple choice
4. Finish work from yesterday/review
5. Read chapter 16 and 17 (HW if not done)
Friday, October 30
**I have to be out unexpectedly. Please do the following:
1. Finish the packet if you haven’t. I will leave it on the student desk next to my podium.
2. Read chapters 16-17 of Their Eyes Were Watching God if you didn’t do it last night. We are almost done!
3. In Writer’s Choice book (under your desk), do the following:
Voice of Verbs, page 589 Read information and then do Exercise 22 and Exercise 23. On Exercise 23 you will have to write the questions. Turn in for bronze grade.
No weekend homework. Happy Halloween!