English 11
Monday, April 4:
- Bellringer 1: Make a list of everything you can think of that relates to “Chicago”
- Share with class. Did anyone list something that no one else thought of? Quick slide-share of Chicago sights.
- Those who needed to take the openbook multiple choice test on the two stories “Everyday Use” and “The First Seven Years” do so while others work on the next assignment, which is…
- Students will pick an index card. Each index card has a line from “Chicago”, the poem by Carl Sandburg. Students will illustrate the line and include the exact line from the poem on their illustration. Have ready by tomorrow.
Tuesday, April 5:
- Bellringer 2: Would you ever want to visit Chicago? Why or why not?
- Read page 866 and write down meanings to APOSTROPHE and PERSONIFICATION, as well as the blue vocabulary words BRUTAL, WANTON, CUNNING
- Read about the author Carl Sandburg on page 8674.
- Have students read the poem according to what lines they picked yesterday, then watch this video. What makes it exciting? How did the reader perform the poem?
- Have students arrange themselves in the order of the poem with their illustrations. They will be making a quick video of the poem using their voices to read their lines and showing what they illustrated for the line. Video will be uploaded later to show to parents and others classes.
Wednesday, April 6:/ Thursday, April 7:
- Bellringer: When you think of grass (non-drug please) , what do you think of? List all that come to mind.
- QUICK: Make video of “Chicago” if your class did not do it yesterday.
- Read “Grass” by Carl Sandburg on page 870 in lit book. Watch/Listen to Carl Sandburg read the actual poem. Creepy, yes? 🙂
- If time, do Critical Reading 1-3 page 869 HW if not done in class
- Rough due of argumentative essay (printed out please–do not email them to me) on April 13 (Wednesday). Follow MLA guidelines
Friday, April 8:
- Substitute: I will be at Tech Academy today. Please be nice. 🙂 Kona Ice will be sold today, so bring money.
- Do workbook pages 241, 242, and 243. This assignment is about the Carl Sandburg poems. When finished, take out of WB, staple, and turn in.
- Work on essay if you finish early.
For Monday, April 11:
- Bellringer: What are the purposes of a fence? Make a list of as many jobs that a fence can perform as you can — at least 10.”
- Read/listen to “Mending Wall” here
- mending-wall-robert-frost