Category Archives: Uncategorized

Monday=New seating arrangement for every class

When you come in the room on Monday, get your new seat location from me (Mrs. Culver).  I change seating at least once a 9 weeks, so it won’t be forever. Just bloom where you are planted. 🙂 Hope you … Continue reading

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October Calendar

oct2012   <—–Here you go! Enjoy! (Students also got them in class.)

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TKAM Humor

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Wednesday, September 26

I was out with a sinus infection so a sub and Mrs. McLendon taught the class. Today you were to write down information/facts about your summer reading book. If you did not do well on this, you have the chance … Continue reading

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Homework, Tuesday 9/25

Adv. Read chapters 2-3 of TKAM Regular: Read chapters 1-2 TKAM We read some of this in class. Make sure you’ve done a word of the week.

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Rodeo Dress Up Day

Girls from first period got into Rodeo Day. (M.—I had to crop you out—no photos allowed on the blog. Sorry!)

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Test Friday/Folder Due Friday

Test on 3 short stories and their vocabulary on Friday.  Stories are “The Lady or the Tiger?”, “The Most Dangerous Game”, and “The Cask of Amontillado.”  Folders will also be due. Make sure your table of contents is up to … Continue reading

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Labor Day Homework

None, unless you are behind on classwork. (You know who you are.) Have a great three day weekend!

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Thursday’s Homework

None for adv. classes, regular 9 needs to finish reading “The Most Dangerous Game” and do the questions after, on page 41. 1-8.  Write question and answer OR the answer in a COMPLETE sentence. Thanks!

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Tuesday Homework

Adv only:  finish the story “The Most Dangerous Game” and answer the questions that follow on page 41.  Do 1-9. Write question and answer or answer in a COMPLETE sentence. Have a good evening!

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