Category Archives: Uncategorized

Friday’s Computer Lab Assignment

You should have your literature book or your No Fear Shakespeare book here with you. You should also have your folder which has all the work we have put on the table of contents so far. Use both of these … Continue reading

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Thursday, Dec. 8, 2011

Today I gave students time to make sure their folders are in order and they have the table of contents written down, etc.  Folders will be taken up next Friday, after the benchmark. Today in class we also wrote down … Continue reading

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Tuesday, Dec. 6 TEST TOMORROW!

Test tomorrow on Acts 2 and 3 of Romeo and Juliet.  Please review all your material from the folder. Bring lit book to class tomorrow please. On test: True False, Multiple Choice, and Who Said It? (With word bank.) If … Continue reading

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Monday, Dec. 5

Today in class we read most of Act 3.  If your class did not finish it in class, you must finish reading Act 3 at home. Pay attention to the notes in your textbook. They are invaluable!  When you are … Continue reading

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December Calendar

december2011<—–Print out or just view. 🙂

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Test on ACT ONE Romeo and Juliet TOMORROW!

Review Act I questions and what you have written in your notebook/folder to prepare for the test tomorrow. It will be T/F and have multiple choice.

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I gave updated progress reports to every period except first. I will give first period’s progress reports to them tomorrow. Please sign and return. Let me know if there are any issues/problems on the progress report.

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Monday, November 21

Today in class, we finished reading/listening to Act I, Romeo and Juliet.  Homework is to do the questions on page 721, 1-8. Answers only. Due tomorrow.  We started watching Act I of the ’68 movie. Tomorrow we will go over … Continue reading

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Thursday/Friday…November 17 and 18th

Yesterday we began reading Act I of Romeo and Juliet.  We got to the end of scene one.  There was no homework except for making sure that your typed short story is turned in by Friday (today). The short story … Continue reading

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Hunger Games Movie

[youtube][/youtube]Can’t wait until March! (You won’t be able to view this link at school because Youtube is blocked, but here is the official trailer!)

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