Category Archives: Uncategorized

Weekend Homework

Finish reading “The Most Dangerous Game” if your class didn’t finish. Then do questions 1-9 after the story. Write questions and answers.  Third period—no homework. If you haven’t yet, please bring in your photo for the class wall.

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Thursday Homework

Only homework is for third period—finish the filmstrip worksheet for “Lady or the Tiger?” Today in class we read the first half of “The Most Dangerous Game” (classes 1, 4,5, and 6) and we’ll finish it tomorrow.

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Summer ’11

Hope everyone is having a great summer.  I’ll be checking back here in a few weeks to update new students and parents what supplies you will need for my class.

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Poetry Analysis

We started writing the rough draft today in class. We’ll work on these more on Wednesday.  Bring lit book so I can check it tomorrow and grammar book on Thursday. Thursday we’ll be back in the library to find essays/short … Continue reading

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 Today I gave you a lot of notes to prepare you for the test on Wednesday—chapters 36-48 from Great Exp.  Add it to your folder for page number 6.                Tomorrow is lit circle day, so … Continue reading

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Test on chapters 20-35 GE tomorrow. Folder due tomorrow as well. Had a great time playing Great Expectations jeopardy with you guys today!  Hope it helped you review for the test!

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Weekend Homework

Read 32 to 34 over the weekend. Hope today is going okay with the sub.

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Texting and Driving

[youtube][/youtube]Everyone should watch this. Warning: Very sad.

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Monday HW

Read chapters 24-25 Chapter 24 – Wemmick invites Pip over for dinner and mentions Jagger’s housekeeper as being a tamed beast. Chapter 25 – Pip ventures to Wemmick’s house, where he meets Wemmick’s aged father. Wemmick shows himself to be … Continue reading

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Ahh…the weekend

Another great weekend to curl up with Great Expectations and read chapters 16-18. All classes please start writing a short story using Unit 4 vocab words.  I’ll take it up on Wednesday.  (So yes, you have more time than just … Continue reading

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