If you were unable to attend the parent meeting last Tuesday afternoon or if you just want to help out the theater department (for which we are eternally grateful), attached is every sheet that was handed out last during the meeting.
Most of it is self-explanatory. However, the Helena Parent Setup is where you signup if you are willing to support us in one of the following areas (just be sure to email me to let me know):
1. On Nov. 1 many of the theater students are going to district Trumbauer at Pelham High School and we need people willing to help transport them that morning and pick them back up that night.
2. The AOL Cast support is where you could sign up to bring food for the cast one of those rehearsal days since those will probably be the longest rehearsal days.
3. After that, is a listing of bake sale dates. During the intermission of the show, we are hoping to run a bake sale in the lobby. If you would be willing to bring any baked goods to donate for us to sell, just let us know what items and what day.
If you have any other concerns or questions on anything, please feel free to ask.
The following is the current status of who has signed up for what.
Trumbauer Drivers
Leslie D β 7 students
Shanna S β 4 students
Kisha G β 6 students
Jeanne G β 3 students
Jeremiah G β 3 students
Stephanie B β 7 students
Brenda R β 3 students
Charlotte G β 6 students
Debbie D β 6 students
Stephanie L β ? students
Need 1 to 2 more drivers
AOL Cast Support
10/29/2014 Leslie D bringing 4 pizzas
10/30/2014 NO ONE YET
11/3/2014 Jeanne and Jeremiah G bringing Wings and salad and drinks
11/4/2014 Jill B ?
11/5/2014 Jill B ?
Bake Sale Nov 6
Leslie D Brownies
Jill B ?
Bake Sale Nov 7
Kisha G cupcakes
Joe W cookies & drinks
Alisha M pies
Wendy H chips and brownies
Bake Sale Nov 8
Jeanne & Jeremiah G rice krispy treats, drinks, solocups, chocolate muffins
Jill B ?
Bake Sale Nov 9
Alisha M pies
Jennifer W ?
NEEDS: I am looking for two more people to donate goods for Sunday, Saturday, and Thursday.
Prop list