TKAM Domino Review…


Tried a new review type game for TKAM last week. Only tried it with second period though.  Turns out it has some kinks in it…oh well! Not every idea is a winner! 🙂  Kudos to my second period kids for trying it out for me!

Video of them trying it out…

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4 Responses to TKAM Domino Review…

  1. alexys Tracy says:

    This was so funny to do. My vote is that we do this every time we review. It’s a challenge to figure where everything goes. So hope you take my vote in it. 🙂 bye

  2. Savannah C says:

    hehee, cool:D

  3. Lauren says:

    hahaha it was sooo funny!!! but ppl were being really stupid b/c they would have the answer and wouldnt look at their dice. grrr/

  4. Juan Quijada says:

    I think that this game was a lot of fun. Even though we didnt get to finish playing we had a great time. 🙂

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