New students

Books you need to buy or borrow:

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper LeeĀ Ā (Will need in September)

No Fear Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet (Will need in November. This is a non-essential one, because we have the play in our textbook, but it is helpful to many people who have trouble understanding Shakespearean language.)

Animal Farm by George Orwell—-regular 9 (Will need in January.)

Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury—adv. 9 (Will need in January.)


1. folder—not a binder. Thin folder either plastic or paper, but have pockets AND brads, any color or design.,

2. Ā pack of plastic page protectors

3. composition book–any color or style

4. your own paperback dictionary

Please donate to classroom if possible:

kleenex, dry eraser markers, staplers, index cards, crayons or markersĀ (They don’t even have to be new!!!)

I have plenty of Germ X from last year’s donations, so I’m good there. Thank you so much for anything you can donate.


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