Homecoming Week Plans!

Monday: Inservice

Tuesday: Superhero Day

1. Bellringer 10, turn in 10 bellringers. This will be your first bronze grade of the new 9 weeks.IMG_0064

2. In pairs, complete the vocabulary assignment based on words from chapters 1-4 of Eyes.

3. Reading Eyes, chapter 5



1. Journal 31: It’s superhero day. What would your superpower be if you had one? (Listen to this as you write!)

2. Superhero Poem

3. Superhero Poems examples

4. Your Turn!

Wednesday: Tacky Tourist Day

1. Bellringer 1, Week 1 of 2nd 9 weeks

2. Finish chapter 5, do a summary square, discuss allusions in chapter 5 and what they are in general

3. Begin reading chapter 6

Creative Writing

1. Journal 32. Speaking of “tacky tourists”, where is the most interesting place you’ve ever traveled and why?

2. Wrijoeacalapicforlitmagting with Art Wednesday:

(Photo by Joe Alcala)

3. Super Hero Poem Share

4. Read One Acts we haven’t read yet.

Thursday: Throwback Thursday

1. No bellringer today.

2. Reading chapter 6

Friday: Homecoming Day

Pep rally/Class Olympics.

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