Category Archives: Uncategorized

Remind 101 updates

If you are a parent or 9th grade student interested in getting easy reminders/updates about what is going on in class and about due dates, please follow these directions: To receive messages via text, text   @culver9 to (772) 261-2092. You can … Continue reading

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Looking for the summer reading lists???

Summer reading lists for all grades here.2013pelhamreadinglist   You are welcome! 🙂

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SURPRISE!!! Watch the slideshow!

Click on this for the slideshow.

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In case you were not in class today, I have moved the due date of the final version of your research paper from May 6 to May 13. 🙂 I need more time to look over your rough drafts. You … Continue reading

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After the source cards and notecards…comes the OUTLINE

Unsolved Mysteries Outline

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Hello! What we’ve been up to…

Monday we did both book and web research in the library. Tuesday I checked to see if you had at least five sources on five source cards. If you are working on getting these to me, please get them to … Continue reading

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New topic ideas if you are stuck…

Princess Diana Death Conspiracy Are there really Men in Black? The Tylenol Deaths  Were the Rosenbergs guilty of spying?  Who Fixed the World Series? Who Killed Kurt Cobain? (Needs parental permission)  Is ESP Real?  Who Built the Pyramids?  OR What … Continue reading

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Links to help you with your research paper/Mrs. Kirk talked about these today!

Points of View Ebooks Student Research Center

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Last Week/This Week: A Quick Recap and Plan

Last week Monday: DRP Week 27, Rewrote the persuasive essay and peer edited Tuesday:  Spent time in computer lab typing the persuasive essay Wednesday and Thursday: reviewed the MLA powerpoint. It can be found off the link on my blog—Owl … Continue reading

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Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Don’t forget: finish Ex. 1,2,3 tonight, pgs 689-693. We will work on persuasive essays in class tomorrow unless you want to type tonight. 🙂   Here are some pics from a few weeks ago when they were either finding examples … Continue reading

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