Category Archives: Uncategorized

December Calendar

December calendar, finally!!!december2012   Dear Santa, I need tissue. 🙂

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Monday Monday….

December 3, 2012 Today we read Act 3, scene 1 in Romeo and Juliet. No homework. If you didn’t write down the four vocab words at the beginning of the act, do that and put it in your folder.

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No Weekend Homework

Let the Christmas season begin. Officially. 

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Neat Links. ;) and HOMEWORK

Check this out. Cool. Also, what time is it in Verona, Italy right now? You can also see what the weather is like. Homework tonight (WED) is to write questions and write answers for the questions on page 745 in literature book.  … Continue reading

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Read Romeo and Juliet Online

In this one, Acts I through II are pages 1 -51:   Romeo and Juliet online–you can download this onto your iPhone, iPad, Kindle, etc. if I read it correctly. This one is easier to navigate: Romeo and Juliet

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November 26-November 30 *UPDATED

Monday: In class we read Act 2, Scene 3, reviewed what we’ve read, did an Ideal Mate survey, and homework is writing down vocabulary on pages 695 and 722. Both Act I and Act II vocabulary goes on one page. … Continue reading

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Weekend Homework

Act I questions on page 721, 1-8. Write question and answer please.

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Wednesday. Whew.

You guys wore me out today.  Was it the excitement of the new seating arrangement or because we started Romeo and Juliet  today? Both? No homework.

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MONDAY, November 13, 2012

homeworknov13—–I gave this to you today.  Please do it! Tomorrow you will come in to a new classroom layout and you will be either a Montague or a Capulet.  The Montague side will be blue and the Capulet side will … Continue reading

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Over the 3 Day Weekend…

Finish the essay you started in class.  Topics you were to choose from: 1. Analyze hypocrisy in the novel. Support your views by citing three specific incidents. 2. What other characters besides Scout have had his/her eyes opened and how?  … Continue reading

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