Category Archives: Uncategorized

Get your expectations signed

If you are in adv. class, finish the comic strip, get expectations signed, and finish the reading survey.  Second and Eighth period, we’ll do comic strip on Monday. Get expectations signed and reading survey done. EVERYONE BRING PAPERBACK DICTIONARY and COMPOSITION … Continue reading

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Homework! Read this story!

Mojo says to read your story!

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Bring Lit Books to Class Thursday

Every class except sixth period got them. You (sixth) will get yours tomorrow. Have a good day!

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Summer Reading List

Just in case you can’t find it, here it is. Also—don’t stress. Just read two if you are advanced and one if you are in regular 9. 🙂 2012 Pelham High School Summer Reading Books Ads–all

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New students

Books you need to buy or borrow: To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee  (Will need in September) No Fear Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet (Will need in November. This is a non-essential one, because we have the play in our textbook, … Continue reading

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Class Slideshow!

English/speech/debate ’12.   (Parents, we played games the last couple of days of school. Don’t think we did that all year! Ha!)

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I’m so sad to see the class of 2015 leave room 256. I’ve had a wonderful year with you guys.  Your parents were pretty great as well!  Good luck next year and come visit! I’m working on a slideshow, by … Continue reading

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Quiz Tomorrow on Chapter 8 LAWKI

Code word for extra points… Coffee

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May 8 Update

Update for parents:  Our school email is not working properly at this time and we can only send emails out. I am not even sure if the emails I’m sending out are reaching you, but I am sure I am … Continue reading

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Whew. I fixed the issues…LOTS OF CHANGES! april2012new We won’t be starting Life as We Knew It until the last week of April/first week of May. I’m still selling them for 8.00. Come and get it!  

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