Category Archives: Uncategorized

Friday, Oct. 21, 2011

Today in Advanced classes, we took a quiz on chapter 17 TKAM. I handed them the questions for chapters 16-19 and the homework is to read chapters 18 and 19. I gave them time in class to read.  Be ready … Continue reading

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Thursday, October 21, 2011

Advanced took a quiz on chapters 14-16 TKAM today.  We started chapter 17 in class and homework is to finish chapter 17. Third period worked on parallel structure practice today.  No homework for third period tonight. Quiz for advanced tomorrow—chapter … Continue reading

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Wednesday, October 19

Today third period took their test on chapters 1-11.  In all my other classes, we reviewed subject verb agreement and reviewed the questions for chapters 12-15.  Homework for advanced is to read chapter 16 in TKAM. Third period—no homework. Thanks … Continue reading

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Over the weekend

you should have read chapter 12 and 13. This was on the board, I told you, and it was on your calendar. Keep up with your reading! Today in class (Monday) we read chapter 14. No homework.

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PARENTS!!! Important Information

Student Drop-off Instructions beginning 10/11/11 Parents, we are working to enhance morning drop off in front of the school.  Currently, we have about 400 vehicles pulling into the front of the school between 7:15 – 7:45 for student drop off … Continue reading

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Benchmark tomorrow

Bring pencil and  To Kill a Mockingbird.  You’ll have new seats tomorrow, so be prepared! 🙂

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TKAM online

The book online…

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Weekend Homework

This weekend, if you are in 1,4, or 5th, you should be reading chapters 4 and 5 in To Kill a Mockingbird. If you are in third, work on that make up work I gave you. If you are in … Continue reading

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Another pic!

If you haven’t turned in your Poe paper yet, please do so. Also—journals start back Monday.

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Test Friday!! (TOMORROW!)

Test on the last four short stories tomorrow! Study that vocab! Hope today’s review session was helpful to you!  Folders and everything on that table of contents is due tomorrow. Remember to have a copy of To Kill a Mockingbird … Continue reading

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