Category Archives: Uncategorized

Over the weekend

you were supposed to read chapter 9 and 10. (Was on the board.) See you Tuesday.

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Hi guys—please put benchmark studying ahead of essay.  I want you to know that you can turn it in by Thursday/Friday if you need to.  You will have more time in class to work on it. Benchmark and folder due … Continue reading

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Happy Thanksgiving

I’m very thankful for all of my wonderful students! Parents, we finished up Act II of Romeo and Juliet and they watched the video of Act I and Act II (1968 version).  When we get back after Thanksgiving, we will … Continue reading

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Happy Halloween

If you dress as a ham, I want a picture. Be careful and watch out for the Bob Ewells of the world.

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TKAM Domino Review…

Tried a new review type game for TKAM last week. Only tried it with second period though.  Turns out it has some kinks in it…oh well! Not every idea is a winner! 🙂  Kudos to my second period kids for … Continue reading

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Hope everything went well with the sub today. No homework other than working on your TKAM project.  Have fun with it.

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Great Way to Practice Your Vocab!

Sadlier-Oxford » Vocabulary Games & Puzzles: Level D. Seriously–go play Hangman or any of the other games that use your Unit 1 and Unit 2 words.

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Today we read most of chapter 28 of TKAM in class—Scout and Jem on Halloween night…Scout in her ham costume…and the attack! Finish chapter 28 if not finished in class. (Some classes got further than others.)

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Weekend & a Hysterical Video

[youtube][/youtube]Read chapters 25-27 New due date on TKAM project is Monday, Nov. 1. Check out the project some kids did on TKAM. I just found it on Youtube—not any of our Pelham kids, but you are welcome to make your … Continue reading

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One of my favorite scenes from TKAM movie: [youtube][/youtube] Read chapter 24 tonight. Journals due tomorrow—fifteen entries.  Worth 50/50.

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