Friday, October 5, 2012

Periods 1,4,5,6: Today the students did the Friday DRP (Week 7), took a multiple choice quiz on chapters 1-8 on To Kill a Mockingbird, then worked on their questions and vocabulary for the chapters. They also got a head start on reading chapter 9. Homework is to finish chapter 9.

Period 2, 8: Students did Daily Reading Practice, Week 7, Friday, then second period  read chapter 7 in class. Please read chapter 8 at home (second period only).  Eighth read chapter six and seven  in class with the audio version reading it aloud (I use this with every class for the auditory learners). Homework is to get folder caught up and questions/vocabuary done.

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One Response to Friday, October 5, 2012

  1. Donna Brandenburg says:

    Great Open House! Thank you for all you do.. your classroom looks great!

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