Category Archives: Uncategorized


Work on a simple outline for your in class essay number two tomorrow!  🙂 You received the topic list today, so mull it over! 🙂  

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Table of Contents

Remember to have all of this COMPLETED to turn in tomorrow! 1. Writer’s Choice bookwork, pages 738-740, Exercises 7-9 2. Foldable, Chapter Summaries 12-27 3. Active Reading, Four Testimonies, Ch. 12-21 4. Open Mind Worksheet–Don’t forget to color! 5. Foldable, … Continue reading

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Weekend…and the Week Ahead…

No homework over the weekend unless your folder is not caught up or you have to go back and read any part of To Kill a Mockingbird.  Don’t forget about the extra credit option—parents, your student has a copy of … Continue reading

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Make up Photos Tomorrow!

 These times are for students who DID NOT take photos at picture day.  Go quickly and quietly to take the photos in the auditorium.    These are ONLY for those who missed picture day.  NO retakes.  9th GRADE A-M         8:00                    … Continue reading

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The Week Ahead…Oct 29-November 2

The Week Ahead: Monday, October 29:      WEAR ORANGE TO STAND UP TO BULLYING!  First period class with highest percentage of orange shirt wearers could win a free doughnut and juice breakfast!  Turn in DRPs 9/10 if you were absent on … Continue reading

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Upcoming grades

Comma worksheet 10 pts due tomorrow Week 9/10 Daily Reading Practice  25 pts  due this Friday Next test will be on chapters 12-31 of To Kill a Mockingbird on Wednesday, November 7. Folders will also be taken up for 100 … Continue reading

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Happy Weekend/A Look Ahead!

Friday: We finished DRPs for Week 9, then we took a multiple choice quiz on chapters 12-17. We started chapter 18 in class. Homework is to finish reading chapter 18. A look ahead for next week: Monday: Mr. Howard, the … Continue reading

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Rainy Thursday…October 18, 2012

Today Mrs. McLendon reviewed chapters 13-15 and you added summaries to your “foldable” sheet in your folder.  Add color or illustrations to your summaries if you are a visual learner.  (Number 2 in your folder.)  Remember that your first item … Continue reading

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Wednesday=Surprise Essay

Happy Wednesday! Hope you enjoyed your surprise in class essay. I’m enjoying reading them!  Homework is to read chapter 15 and 16, but you already know that, because you wrote it down in your agenda. Right? Right? 🙂

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Word of the Week document for you to use.

If you have a printer, print off five of these and it could make your next five WOWs easier.Frayer Model Here’s a random picture of a man and his cat.

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