Category Archives: Uncategorized

4 Weeks Until School Starts!

Looking forward to seeing many of you at registration and some of my new students at Camp Pelham!

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Ghost in the Classroom?

Check it out. Another video is here–-your first Pelham High pep rally last fall!

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Almost Done!

Almost done with the portfolio grading and hey, we are almost done with school too!  I have had a wonderful year. This year’s 9th graders have been some of the brightest I’ve ever had the pleasure to teach.  Thank you! … Continue reading

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Odyssey Games!

Test your skills! This is different…

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Hi parents! I am a little behind in grading, so don’t worry about your child’s grades tonight (Tuesday). I should be caught up by tomorrow! Thanks for understanding! PS Check on your child’s progress with his/her portfolio project, which is … Continue reading

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A Wreath for Emmett Till

Today second period, third period, fourth period, and fifth period read A Wreath for Emmett Till in class. Two classes even got to read it outside under the pine trees–until Mrs. Culver’s allergies got the better of her…We discussed the … Continue reading

Posted in Poetry Portfolio Project, Uncategorized | 7 Comments

The Excitin’ Works Cited…

Okay, maybe not. But it IS something you need to know in order to do well on all your high school and college research papers. Some of you were talking about the different ways you can do your citations online/online … Continue reading

Posted in Poetry Portfolio Project, Uncategorized | 3 Comments


Your hand hurt yet?  Parents, today I let the students work on their original poems for their portfolio project OR they could work on writing their five paragraph essays (TP CASTT poetry analysis OR commentary on one of their prose … Continue reading

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3 Day Weekend

Enjoy it, but also find two more published poems that are about your chosen portfolio project.  Be thinking about which of the two prose selections (magazine, newspaper, etc.) you want to write a commentary on next week. Some of you … Continue reading

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