Home Builders Association scholarship

The Home Builders Association has a scholarship for students who are interested in going into the field of home building. This can be carpenters, plumbers, electricians, etc. Please review this information and return to us as promptly as possible of any interested applicants.

Applicants must meet all of the following requirements:
1) Must be a resident of Alabama
2) Must be enrolling in, or attending, a junior college, trade program or university in Alabama
3) Must be enrolled in a construction-related curriculum
4) Application must be postmarked by April 22, 2016

See Mrs. Payne for an application.

Agricultural Scholarship

The St. Clair Cattlemen’s and Cattlewomen’s Associations are each presenting a $15oo scholarship to a senior scholar looking to make a postive impact on his/her career field.


  • Applicants must have a parent and/or grandparent who is a member of the Cattlemen’s Association.
  • The applicant must be entering an agricultural field fo study, and become a new member online at http://bamabeef.org/about_join_online.html.

See Mrs. Payne for an application. APPLICATIONS MUST BE POSTMARKED BY APRIL 14, 2016!!

South Shelby Chamber of Commerce Scholarships

To qualify, students must be seeking post-secondary education from one of the following:

Four-year colleges or universitites; 2 year community colleges; vocational schools courses lasting a minimum of one year; other educational programs lasting a minimum of one year.

The scholarship application must be submitted to the scholarship committee no later than Friday, April 15. The winner will be announced at the May chamber luncheon.

See Mrs. Payne for an application.

Alabama Home Builders Foundation Scholarship

The Alabama Home Builders Foundation (AHBF) awards scholarships to deserving men and women who want to pursue
careers in the core trades of the home building industry. The AHBF board of directors is actively interested in ensuring
that our industry has enough skilled workers now and in the future. It is through awarding scholarships to students
pursuing degrees and certificates in these fields that the board hopes to ensure that our homes continue to be built
safely and with good craftsmanship.
Since 1995, the Alabama Home Builders Foundation has awarded 1,010 scholarships totaling over $540,000 to
students wishing to study the building trades at schools in Alabama (trade schools, junior colleges and four year
There are many rewarding careers in the home building field and the focus of our program is the core trades. Examples
of these trades include, but are not limited to: carpentry and cabinetry, masonry, HVAC/HVACR, plumbing, drafting,
electrical engineering and electrical work.


DEADLINE IS MARCH 15. See Mrs. Payne for an application.

OLJ Scholarship

This Memorial Scholarship is established to honor the memory of our beloved mother, Mrs. Ora L. Jones, who passed away on May 30, 2011 from Congestive Heart Disease. Throughout her life she significantly impacted and influenced countless individuals by rendering sacrificial service. This scholarship is established with the following goal in mind: to help educate a child in order to motivate them to live out the principles modeled by our mother so that they can demonstrate a life of service by reaching back and helping somebody else along life’s journey.

To be awarded to: a High School Graduate of Shelby County or a surrounding area.


1.  Must have an acceptance letter to either a 2 yr or 4 yr College or University.
2.  Must have at least a 2.5 cumulative GPA on a 4.0 scale.
3.  Must submit a 1000 word typed essay which depicts the importance of the scholarship and describes how they will use their education to give back to the community.
4.  Must provide a cover letter with the following:

a.  Full name
b.  Address, phone number, email, and name of high school you graduated from.
c.  A brief biography about yourself.

Deadline for entry: April 16, 2016

Scholarship to be awarded: by May 14, 2016
3 Scholarships awarded: $1,000 minimum each

Go to www.orajonesfoundation.org to apply.

Ag Foundation Scholarship Program Applications Due April 1

Applications for the Alabama Farmers Agriculture Foundation (AFAF) scholarship program are available online and due April 1.
The $1,750 AFAF scholarships are available to high school seniors
and college students from participating counties seeking an agriculture-
related degree at Auburn University or Alabama A&M University.
This marks the fourth year for the Agriculture Foundation program,
which provides $1,250 in matching funds for county Federations
that contribute $500 to the scholarship.
Visit AlfaFarmers.org/About/Forms for more information and an


Jefferson State Community College is holding a free STEM Camp June 20-23 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Explore exciting careers in robotics, manufacturing, automotive technology, and many more. Hear from industry leaders about what they look for in potential employees and the types of jobs they have available. To be eligible, you must be entering 10th, 11th, or 12th grade in Fall 2016 and have an interest in pursuing a career in science, technology, engineering, or math. Applications can be found online at www.jeffersonstate.edu/manufacturing or get a hard copy by calling 205-856-7848. The packet must be returned by 4:00 p.m. on April 15, 2016.