WCC Revis Memorial Scholarship

The Wilsonville Civitan Club is proud to be able to offer this scholarship as a
lasting memorial to former club members who made a substantial impact on
their community, including the charter members, as well as the scholarship’s
namesake. This award, in the amount of $1,000, will be presented to the most
deserving individual from the applicant pool, taking into account his/her civic
work and other contributions to the community. A committee within the
Wilsonville Civitan Club will review all applications and unanimously select the recipient. The award will be presented to the recipient at his/her school’s
designated ceremony or other designated time.

•all applications must be received by May 11, 2018; the preferred
method to return the completed application is via email to
aphelps@shelbyed.org; you may also return the application to your
school’s scholarships coordinator to be picked up by a Wilsonville Civitan
Club representative
• graduating Shelby County High School, Cornerstone Christian
School, and Shelby County College and Career Center seniors entering a
university or college that is accredited by recognized accreditation
agencies for the upcoming fall college term
• recipient must register and maintain status as a full time student at
the university/college, maintain a minimum “C” average, and maintain
significant progress towards completing a degree within 4 years
• these funds are for tuition, room, board, or books
• funds will be forwarded to the college/university upon receipt of
confirmation of enrollment and address of the institution’s financial aid
office either by mail or email.

Click on the link below for the Wilsonville Civitan Club Revis Memorial
Scholarship Application. The form is a fillable PDF and prefer that it
be completed on the computer and not handwritten if possible.

WCC Revis Memorial Scholarship Application

The deadline for submitting the application is May 11, 2018. It
can be scanned and emailed, Ponied (at SCISC), or mailed. The address is 47 Hill Street, Wilsonville AL 35186.

The preferred method to return the completed application is via email to aphelps@shelbyed.org

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Anne Phelps at
682-5922 8-4 or after 4 at 540-3663.

Kathleen P. Bruhn Leadership Scholarship

The Kathleen P. Bruhn Memorial Leadership Scholarship Program will award a scholarship to a deserving senior who has made a positive impact on their community.


  • Completed application
  • Two letters of reference (one from a volunteer experience)
  • A one-page essay explaining how you envision your leadership role expanding after graduation.
  • Official school transcript

Completed applications must be received in the Camp Fire Alabama office no later than May 7, 2018.  

Please mail or deliver applications to:

Kathleen P. Bruhn Memorial Leadership Scholarship                                                Attention:  Sarah Hendren                                                                                                Camp Fire Alabama                                                                                                            106 Oxmoor Road, Suite 152                                                                                            Birmingham, AL 35209

Click below for more info and the application.

Kathleen P. Bruhn Memorial Leadership Scholarship

STEM Camp-Central Alabama Community College

The STEM Camp of Central Alabama Community College will transform teaching and learning in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics through:

  • Career discovery utilizing hands-on project based learning applications.  Designing and implementing new methods for recruiting and education for STEM fields.
  • Fostering strategic partnerships among industry, parents, community and education.

Goals of STEM Camp:

  • Increase the number of students pursuing post secondary studies in science, technology, engineering, and math.
  • Collaborate and engage business and community partners to advance and sustain STEM-related regional education.

July 9th-13th Childersburg Campus                                                                                July 16th-20th-Alex City campus

Participant ages 11-18

Deadline to register packet is May 11, 2018 at 11:30 a.m. CST.

Click below for more info and registration packet.


OLJ Scholarship

This Memorial Scholarship is established to honor the memory of Mrs. Ora Jones who passed away on March 30, 2011 from Congestive Heart Disease. Throughout her life she significantly impacted and influenced countless individuals by rendering sacrificial service. This scholarship is established with the following goal in mind: to help educate a child in order to motivate them to live out the principles modeled by our mother so that they can demonstrate a life of service by giving back and helping someone else along life’s journey.

1. Must have an acceptance letter to either a 2 yr. or 4 yr. college or university.
2. Must have at least a 2.5 cumulative GPA on a 4.0 scale.
3. Must submit a 1000 word essay which depicts the importance of the scholarship and describe how they will use
their education to give back to the community.
4. Must provide a cover letter with the following:
a. Full name
b. Address, phone number, email, and name of high school you will                         graduate from
c. A brief biography about yourself

Deadline for entry: Wednesday, May 9, 2018
Scholarship to be awarded: by May 31, 2018
Scholarships awarded: $1,000 minimum each

Applications may be uploaded to the Ora L. Jones Foundation website at              http://www.orajonesfoundation.org/

2018 OLJ Scholarship



Registered Apprenticeship Program Opportunity

Several Shelby County companies are partnering with Lawson State to offer a registered apprenticeship program for CNC Machinist.  Students that are accepted will finish the program debt-free with a progressive salary.  The program is a paid apprenticeship while in school.

Click on the link below for more info about registered apprenticeships.


Students interested will tour businesses on April 20th to see first-hand what they will be committing to.  Parents are also welcome to attend the tour.   After the tour, businesses will conduct interviews to select students they are interested in.

No prior CNC knowledge is required.

Interested students should complete the application below and return to the guidance office as soon as possible.

CNC Machinist App


Middle Tennessee State University Scholarship

The Biology Department at Middle Tennessee State University has three $1,500 scholarships available to first-semester freshmen.  The recipients of the awards must be graduating high school seniors, must declare Biology as their major and be entering MTSU for the Fall 2018 semester.  Successful applicants will also need to demonstrate an interest in the life sciences and have career aspirations in a biological field.  The scholarships will be awarded based on the students’ ACT scores, high-school GPA, and their responses on the attached application form.  In order to apply, a student must have an ACT score of 25 or better and a high-school GPA of 3.5 or above.

The deadline for the application has been extended to April 16th.

Bio_Freshman_Scholarship_App 2018

If you have questions, please contact Tammy Howell at                                    615-898-2847 or tammy.howell@mtsu.edu with “freshman scholarship” in the subject line.



Alabama Lions High School Leadership Forum-Troy University

Any 9th, 10th, or 11th grade student interested in attending the Alabama Lions High School Leadership Forum at Troy University on June 15-17 should see one of the counselors for an application packet.  The purpose of this event is to build and strengthen leadership skills and create a network with other student leaders and adult leaders from across the state.

Lions High School Leadership Forum

National Leadership Forum at Harding University

The Wilsonville Civitan Club is delighted to offer a scholarship for one student to attend the National Leadership Forum at Harding University!

Attached is the 2018 Information and Registration Packet.  The “…Forms” document should be filled out on a computer if at all possible; it is a fillable form.

2018 Leadership Forum Application – Forms (1)

2018 Leadership Forum Information and Registration Packet (2)

Once the form is completed, print, sign, and mail to:

Anne Phelps, President-Elect
Wilsonville Civitan Club
47 Hill St
Wilsonville AL 35186

The deadline for the application is April 13.

Once all applications are received, the Wilsonville Civitan Club members will meet, review the applications and make their selection and notify the student by email.