Exploring Culinary and Health Careers Open Houses

Exploring is the co-educational career-focused program of the BSA for young people ages 15-21. In Exploring, we partner with a business, industry, or government agency to give young men and women the opportunity to get a hands-on, behind the scenes look at a career area. Two of our best programs are located in Shelby County: our Health Careers Explorer Post with Shelby Baptist Hospital and our Culinary Explorer Post with Jeff State Community College.

Both are having Open House events next Tuesday, September 18th, for interested students to learn more about their programs.

Attached is invitation information from both programs.

2018 Shelby Baptist Exploring Open House

Jeff State Culinary 2018 Invitation

Contact info:

Billy Curtis, Exploring Director–Greater Alabama Council, Boy Scouts of America–516 Liberty Parkway, Birmingham, AL 35242

Office – (205) 969-4277 Cell – (205) 915-9455

Resident Firefighter Program

Cahaba Valley Fire and EMR District has a Resident Firefighter Program that may be of interest to  students at Shelby County High Schools that are preparing to graduate in the Spring of 2019.  The program is designed to give individuals interested in the Fire Service as a career choice a pathway into the field.

We have 16 apartments at our Stations.  The apartment is a one room apartment that shares an bath with an adjoining room.  The resident firefighters live at the stations.  In exchange for the room, they work 24 hours per week (usually one 24 hour shift).  If they choose to go to school, they would work an additional 24 hours within a two week pay period.  We give up to $5000 per year for school.

No experience is necessary.  We send all of our Residents to the Alabama Fire College to attend a 9 week Recruit Training Academy.  Once they complete the academy they are certified as a professional Firefighter.  State law requires a two year commitment to the Department that sends an individual to recruit school.  During this time, they work for us, obtain additional Fire Service certifications and training, attend Emergency Medical Technician training and gain valuable work experience.

The program if used properly affords someone the opportunity to enter the Fire Service, gain career training and education to prepare them to enter the Fire Service.  By design, our program basically brings someone in, gives the tools and experience needed to transition to a full time Firefighter position.  We have alumni of our Resident program that work in most of the local departments around the Birmingham area.

Please visit the link below to learn more about our the program and our department in general.



Get to know Troy!

All Juniors & Seniors and their Parents are invited to attend TROY University’s “Get to Know TROY Informational Meeting” Thursday, October 11th from 6:00 – 8:00PM at the Embassy Suites by Hilton Birmingham Hoover.                                                                                                                                                  The meeting location will be held in the ballroom on the first floor.  The address is 2960 John Hawkins Parkway, Birmingham, AL 35244.

Admissions, scholarship opportunities, housing information, and financial aid questions will be answered by our Regional Recruiter and Associate Dir. of Enrollment Services & Admissions Coordinator.  Trojan Ambassadors from the Birmingham area will be available to talk with students and parents about their campus life experiences, as well.                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Make plans to join us as we bring TROY to Birmingham.

The event is free – Please register using the link below.                                                                                                                                                                   https://enroll.troy.edu/Datatel.ERecruiting.Web.External/pages/EventDetails.aspx?id=83c59bbb-33b5-e811-beaf-005056b1afd9   

Contact your TROY University Regional Recruiter if you have any questions, Tara Elliott @ 205.382.3803.  teelliott@troy.edu




Visit Huntingdon!

Bring your family and meet your college family!

Tour the campus, talk with faculty and current students, learn more about the admission and financial processes.

Huntingdon Preview Days–(9am-12pm; stay for a football game during fall dates):

  • Saturday, October 13, 2018
  • Saturday, November 10, 2018
  • Monday, February 18, 2019

Personal visit appointments can be scheduled any weekday.

Click on the link below to schedule your visit!


Huntingdon College Office of Admission                                                                  1500 E. Fairview Ave., Montgomery, AL 36106                                                            334-833-4497 OR 800-763-0313                                                                                                                                                                                   http://www.huntingdon.edu




Wendy’s Heisman Scholarship

Since 1994, the Wendy’s High School Heisman Scholarship has been recognizing and rewarding senior athletes who excel in the classroom, on the field, and in the community. This year, Wendy’s will be awarding over $60,000 in college scholarships.

The Wendy’s High School Heisman recognizes two winners—one male athlete and one female athlete—from each state.

  • 90 State Winners receive a $500 scholarship
  • Eight National Finalists receive a $1,000 scholarship
  • Two National Winners receive a $5,000 scholarship along with national honor and recognition during ESPN’s telecast of the college Heisman Memorial Trophy presentation

Winning the Wendy’s High School Heisman Scholarship requires a GPA of 3.0 or better, participation in at least one school-sponsored sport, and demonstrated leadership at school and in the community.

Click on the link below for more information and to apply.



Linly Heflin Unit Scholarship for Alabama Women

Linly Heflin Unit Scholarship application can be accessed from their website, http://www.linlyheflin.org .  The application and supporting documents, including transcripts, ACT verification, letters of recommendation, and income verification, must be completed by January 10, 2019.

Applicants must have a significant economic need, sound academic records, ACT scores of at least 23, and be Alabama residents and U.S. citizens. Also, scholarships are restricted to four-year, SACS accredited, Alabama colleges.  A select group will be interviewed in March, and recipients will be chosen in April.

Contact info:

Jean Oliver, Scholarship Committee Co-Chairman, The Linly Heflin Unit,    205-871-3565   linlyheflinscholarship@gmail.com



The University of Montevallo continues to offer its assistance in prepping students for the ACT exam! Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors are invited to join us for our upcoming annual multi-day ACT PREP CAMP!  This course goes even more in depth than our one-day session and will prepare your students to strategize their approach while studying and during testing.  May we request that you share this opportunity on your campus and with students and parents?

Also, UM will provide scholarships to those who need financial assistance.  If you have students that qualify for free or reduced lunches, we will reduce the prep course fee by 20%.

Click below to register.


Students will receive The Official ACT Prep Guide, pencils, pen with highlighter, and folder with resources and tips. The cost of the camp is $250.00.  Lunch and a snack will also be provided!

For additional information or questions, please contact our office at 205.665.6292.


WCC Revis Memorial Scholarship

The Wilsonville Civitan Club is proud to be able to offer this scholarship as a
lasting memorial to former club members who made a substantial impact on
their community, including the charter members, as well as the scholarship’s
namesake. This award, in the amount of $1,000, will be presented to the most
deserving individual from the applicant pool, taking into account his/her civic
work and other contributions to the community. A committee within the
Wilsonville Civitan Club will review all applications and unanimously select the recipient. The award will be presented to the recipient at his/her school’s
designated ceremony or other designated time.

•all applications must be received by May 11, 2018; the preferred
method to return the completed application is via email to
aphelps@shelbyed.org; you may also return the application to your
school’s scholarships coordinator to be picked up by a Wilsonville Civitan
Club representative
• graduating Shelby County High School, Cornerstone Christian
School, and Shelby County College and Career Center seniors entering a
university or college that is accredited by recognized accreditation
agencies for the upcoming fall college term
• recipient must register and maintain status as a full time student at
the university/college, maintain a minimum “C” average, and maintain
significant progress towards completing a degree within 4 years
• these funds are for tuition, room, board, or books
• funds will be forwarded to the college/university upon receipt of
confirmation of enrollment and address of the institution’s financial aid
office either by mail or email.

Click on the link below for the Wilsonville Civitan Club Revis Memorial
Scholarship Application. The form is a fillable PDF and prefer that it
be completed on the computer and not handwritten if possible.

WCC Revis Memorial Scholarship Application

The deadline for submitting the application is May 11, 2018. It
can be scanned and emailed, Ponied (at SCISC), or mailed. The address is 47 Hill Street, Wilsonville AL 35186.

The preferred method to return the completed application is via email to aphelps@shelbyed.org

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Anne Phelps at
682-5922 8-4 or after 4 at 540-3663.

Kathleen P. Bruhn Leadership Scholarship

The Kathleen P. Bruhn Memorial Leadership Scholarship Program will award a scholarship to a deserving senior who has made a positive impact on their community.


  • Completed application
  • Two letters of reference (one from a volunteer experience)
  • A one-page essay explaining how you envision your leadership role expanding after graduation.
  • Official school transcript

Completed applications must be received in the Camp Fire Alabama office no later than May 7, 2018.  

Please mail or deliver applications to:

Kathleen P. Bruhn Memorial Leadership Scholarship                                                Attention:  Sarah Hendren                                                                                                Camp Fire Alabama                                                                                                            106 Oxmoor Road, Suite 152                                                                                            Birmingham, AL 35209

Click below for more info and the application.

Kathleen P. Bruhn Memorial Leadership Scholarship