2019 Summer STEM Program

2019 Summer STEM Program for Minority Girls

Lawson State Community College

The Girls IMPACT program seeks to encourage minority girls (8th-12th graders) to pursue math-related careers by increasing their mathematical proficiency and exposing them to women who are STEM professionals.

In order for candidates to participate in this free summer experience, girls must be rising 8th-12th graders. Girls who will be first-generation college students are especially encouraged to apply. Accepted applicants will be notified by email mid May.

Dates of the program-Thursday only-June 6-July 18th. Excludes July 4th. Times of program-10:00 am-3:00 pm. Lunch will be served for participants.

Deadline May 7th.

Apply at http://girlsimpactalabama.org/

Questions? Contact Dr. Shawanda Thomas girlsimpactalabama@gmail.com

Tara Owen Scholarship

Attention Seniors planning to attend the University of Montevallo in the fall of 2019! A scholarship fund has been established at the University of Montevallo in loving memory of Tara Owen, who lost her life on October 24, 2001, after a long, courageous battle with cystic fibrosis.

The completed application form must be returned to the Shelby County High School counselor no later than May 1, 2019, together with:

  1. A personal letter from you introducing yourself to us;
  2. Two letters of recommendation, preferably from teachers or an adult friend;
  3. Qualifications are the following:
    • Senior who will attend University of Montevallo
    • Student must have a 3.0 GPA or above
    • Student who has overcome or dealt with a major difficulty in life

Click the link below for the application.

ACT Prep Camp at UM

The 2019 ACT Prep Camp will be held on Tuesday, May 28th – Friday, May 31st, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. each day. This camp is available for high school sophomores, juniors, and seniors and will help equip students with test-taking strategies to better prepare them for taking the ACT test.

Cost: $275 for general registration, 20% discount for children of UM employees and for students receiving free and reduced lunch.

  • Includes lunch and a snack each day
  • Covers all ACT test subjects with in-class practice testing
  • Each participant will receive a copy of the official ACT Test Prep book, a math review card, a folder of study materials, a t-shirt, and other goodies

Click below to register for the camp.


Questions? Call (205) 665-6077 or email partnerships@montevallo.edu

Individuals needing disability-related accommodations during this event should contact the host department or Disability Support Services (205.665.6250, DSS@montevallo.edu) as early as possible. Efforts will be made to accommodate all access requests regardless of timing, but the University cannot guarantee that requests made with less than one week’s notice can be met.

MaryLou Kelley Scholarship

Just a reminder!! The MaryLou Kelley Scholarship Application provided by the Wilsonville United Methodist Women must be postmarked no later than April 15, 2019 (next Monday). The application MUST BE COMPLETED in full including the required attachments: 
Official High School Transcript certified by a high school counselor
Official copy of applicant’s ACT or SAT scores
Proof of acceptance into college, university, or technical school
Two letters of recommendation as specified on application
Short essay as specified on application

The application completed in its entirety (with required attachments) must be mailed to

Wilsonville United Methodist Women 
c/o Wilsonville United Methodist Church
P.O. Box 530
Wilsonville, AL 35186

Central Alabama Community College Programs

Please see the attached flyers for more information on two great programs offered to graduating seniors through CACC.

The Ready To Work program better prepares individuals for the workplace. If you are not sure what you want to do after graduation RTW can help guide you to a career path!

The Math 098 Bridge Program is a FREE program to help close the math skills gap before taking math 100 level courses.

SCHS Local Scholarship Application

Please see the attachment below for the Shelby County High School Local Scholarship Application. This single application covers the following scholarships:
*Bryant Bank and Billy Jones Scholarship
*David Phillips Memorial Scholarship
*Edwin Rush Memorial Scholarship
*George Bentley Scholarship
*Scott Armstrong Scholarship
*Stewart Scholarship
*Tyler Madison Scholarship

Lucretia Owen May Legacy Scholarship

Scholarship Details:
Who: Shelby County Seniors & alumni attending college Fall Semester, 2019
What: A $1000 scholarship will be awarded to the SCHS senior or alumni who demonstrates an
aptitude for college and a financial need. The funds will be paid directly to the school for the
student’s Fall semester, 2019, and can be used for tuition, books, fees, etc.
When: Complete the application & submit along with 2 letters of recommendation from
teachers, coaches, mentors and/or employers by May 3, 2019. Notification of the award will be
made at the Senior Awards ceremony on Tuesday, May 14, 2019.

Application is attached.

Student Leadership Council for Ronald McDonald House Charities

Attention rising juniors and seniors!! This opportunity is to gain leadership skills and also experience the fulfillment that comes from sharing of one’s time and talents with others.

The Student Leadership Council is a group of young men and women committed to serving the families residing at Ronald McDonald House Charities of Alabama (RMHCA).

Applications and materials must be turned in by May 1, 2019 to be considered. Attendance at an Student Leadership Council (SLC) on May 1st or May 8th at 5pm is mandatory in order to sign up for an interview slot. Orientation is held at the Ronald McDonald House.

Students interested should apply online at
https://www.rmhca.org/ . Students should select “Student Leadership Council” under the “Volunteer” tab. After completing the application, students will need to have two recommendation letters sent to Alice Taylor, Volunteer Coordinator, at alice.taylor@rmhca.org

Families served at the Ronald McDonald House in Birmingham enjoy a cozy bedroom plus meals and activities provided by volunteers, laundry facilities, living room space, internet and more. The House can serve up to 73 families at one time.

Questions? Contact Alice Taylor at 205-638-7372.

TROY Fall 2019 IMPACT Registration is OPEN!

Students planning to attend TROY Fall 2019 are encouraged to register for Fall 2019 Impact orientation as soon as possible.

This event is mandatory!

Session 1: June 17-18 – Session Closed
Session 2: June 19-20 – Session Closed
Session 3: June 24-25 – Session Closed
Session 4: June 26-27 – Session Closed
Session 5: July 1-2
Session 6: July 8-9
Session 7: July 10-11
Session 8 :July 15-16
Session 9: July 17-18

Click on the link below to register.


For assistance, contact Tara Elliott.
Office:  205-382-3803 teelliott@troy.edu