Jefferson State-Ambassador Scholarship

Jefferson State-Ambassador Scholarship

As part of the Ambassador Scholarship, the JSCC Ambassadors serve as the official hosts and hostesses for campus events.  JSCC is looking for students who display leadership skills, have servant hearts, and are self-motivated.

Applicants must have a 3.0 GPA or higher.

Deadline for submission is February 1, 2019 @ 4:00 pm.

Jefferson State-Ambassador Application

Troy University Scholarship Deadline-January 15th

TROY University’s scholarship deadline has been pushed back from December 1st to January 15th.

Don’t forget–Troy University Super-Scores!!!

Merit Based Scholarships

  • Millennium Scholar’s Award: Valued at $11,000-$15,000 annually Requirements: 32 ACT/1450 RSAT, 3.7 GPA & Essay
  • Chancellor’s Scholarship: Valued at $7,000-$10,000 annually Requirements: 28 ACT/1320 RSAT. 3.5 GPA & Essay
  • Excellence in Leadership: Valued at $1,000- $4,000 annually   Requirements: 23 ACT/1130 RSAT, 3.0 GPA & Resume

 Alumni & Auxiliary Scholarships

  • National Alumni Association Endowment Scholarship –Competitive scholarship valued at half-tuition-Requirements: 20 ACT/1030 RSAT, 3.0 GPA
  • Hugh O’ Brian (HOBY) Scholarship-$1K non-renewable-Requirements: 20 ACT/1030 RSAT, 3.0 GPA-Applicants must have attended the Alabama HOBY Conference
  • Alabama Girls State Scholarship-$1K non-renewable-Requirements: 20 ACT/1030RSAT, 3.0 GPA-Applicants must have attended the Alabama Girls State Conference

Contact Tara Elliot with questions.   205-382-3803

FAFSA Filing Day – November 2, 2018

All Seniors will be given the opportunity to complete the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) during their English classes. Parents are encouraged to join their students in the SCHS Media Center during this time!

What students will need to fill out the FAFSA:

  • FSA ID*
  • Social Security Card
  • Driver’s license (if applicable)
  • 2016 W-2 forms
  • 2016 Federal Income Tax Return
  • 2016 untaxed income records
  • Current bank statements

What parents will need to help their students complete the FAFSA:

  • FSA ID*
  • 2016 W-2 forms
  • 2016 Federal Income Tax Return
  • 2016 untaxed income records
  • Current bank statements
  • Current business and investment records

* FSA ID is required to electronically sign the FAFSA. Disclaimer: It’s important to understand that the student and the parent cannot share an FSA ID. Your FSA ID is like your personal signature, so it has to be unique to you.

Get your FSA ID now!

Cash for College Social Media Events

Learn how to get cash to pay for education after high school! Go to for a recording of the Facebook Live event, Get Cash for College: A Webinar for Seniors and their Families! The video is at the top of the page.

If you have questions about how to complete the FAFSA, join Cash for College on Instagram at @CashforCollegeAL this Thursday at 7pm for an “Ask Me Anything” event! They will be going live at 7pm! Just click the circle with their logo at the top of their Instagram page.

The Alabama College Application Campaign Week/Cash for College Campaign is scheduled for October 29-November 2, 2018

Shelby County High School  is pleased to once again partner with the Alabama State Department of Education and Alabama Possible for the 2018 Alabama College Application Week/Cash for College Campaign.  The goal of the campaign is to increase the number of first-generation and low-income students who pursue a post-secondary education by assisting high school seniors with the college admissions process and ensuring that each participating student submits at least one admissions application and completes the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) application.

Students are encouraged to complete their college application(s) and FAFSA during this week. We will dedicate time on Thursday, November 1st and Friday, November 2nd for students to work on their applications and FAFSA in their English 12 class. Mrs. Keahey and Mrs. McClendon will be available to help students! Parents are welcome to join their student on Friday, November 2nd to work on completing the FAFSA. Please see the list below for colleges and universities participating in this year’s campaign!

Participating Colleges and Universities in the Fee Waiver Program
All schools with an asterisk (*) require students to use a specific code when completing their admissions application. Codes can be obtained from Mrs. Keahey or Mrs. McClendon by visiting the SCHS counseling office (students ONLY) or by email.
Colleges & Universities State
Alabama A & M University AL
Alabama State University AL
Alcorn State University MS
Auburn University at Montgomery AL
Belhaven University MS
Belmont Abbey College NC
Berea College KY
Berry College GA
Claflin University SC
Cumberland University TN
Delta State University MS
*Eastern Kentucky University KY
Edward Waters College FL
Fisk University TN
Fort Valley Military College GA
Fortis College AL
George Washington University DC
Georgia Southwestern GA
Huntingdon College AL
Jackson State University MS
*Jacksonville State University AL
Judson College AL
Keiser University FL
*Lee University TN
*Life University GA
Lipscomb University TN
Marion Military Institute AL
*Mercer University GA
Miles College AL
Mississippi State University MS
Selma University AL
Stillman College AL
Talladega College AL
*The University of Alabama (Tuscaloosa) AL
The University of West Alabama AL
*Troy University Troy, AL only AL
Tuskegee University AL
Union University TN
University of Dayton OH
*University of Mobile AL
*University of Montevallo AL
University of the South (Sewanee) TN
Wofford College SC
*Young Harris College GA

Auburn’s Scholar’s Day

Auburn University welcomes 11th and 12th-grade students to register for Auburn’s Scholar’s Day held on October 20th from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Students can contact Jasmine Prince, Assistant Director for Inclusive Excellence Initiatives at

Registration will close Oct. 15.

Click on the link below to confirm your spot.



BLSA Scholarship

BLSA, a Chapter of NALS, Inc., the association for legal professionals, will award its Thomas E. Huey, Jr. Memorial Scholarship in the amount of $1,000 to a high school senior in the Jefferson, Shelby, and St. Clair County area in January 2019.

Scholarships will be accepted based on 50% financial need, 40% grade point average (must be at least a “B”), and 10% achievements and accomplishments.

Applications must be postmarked no later than December 31, 2018, and received by the Chairman no later than January 4, 2019.

Applications will be reviewed by the Scholarship Committee and five applicants will be selected to be presented to the membership at the January 2019 regular monthly meeting.  The recipients will be selected by ballot at that time and will be notified in writing as soon as possible thereafter.

Scholarship funds are to be used for educational purposes only, i.e. tuition, books, testing fees, or other relevant educational expenses approved by the Scholarship Committee.  These expenses are generally paid directly by BLSA.  Any exceptions must be submitted in writing and accompanied by valid receipts in order to be directly reimbursed to the recipient.

Click below for application:

BLSA Scholarship

Contact info:  Kayla Bassett-BLSA Scholarship Chairman-Burr & Forman LLP-420 North 20th Street, Suite 3400, Birmingham, AL 35203                          Phone-205-458-5226     Email


ACT Student Champion Scholarship

Applications are open for the ACT Student Champion Award! The ACT Student Champion Award recognizes one student in each state who is tenacious and persistent, no matter the challenge, and is prepared for life after high school with a goal in mind and plan in place.

ACT Student Champions receive a $500 non-renewable scholarship, certificate, and state-level recognition.

Students in the graduating class of 2019 who have taken the ACT who fit the following criteria can apply:

  • High school seniors who have overcome challenges and can articulate their education and/or career actions
  • At a minimum students must have a composite ACT score of 22 on a single test date OR a Gold ACT® WorkKeys® National Career Readiness Certificate®

Applications are due October 31, 2018, and champions will be notified on or before January 31, 2019.


ALET Debbie Rice College Scholarship Application

The Alabama Leaders in Educational Technology (ALET) organization invites graduating seniors to apply for its $10,000 2019 Debbie Rice Memorial Scholarship. Applicants who meet the criteria should read the guidelines carefully and follow the directions for submission.

The deadline for submission is November 16, 2018.

Click on the link below for more info and application.

ALET Scholarship Application-2019

**Lauren Woolley is the delegate for ALET that will need to be listed on any applications.**