May 23, 2023

Character Education Theme of the Month is Accountability:  Accountability is the obligation or willingness to accept responsibility for one’s actions.

Quote of the week:  “ Accountability is the glue that ties commitment to the result”. 

~Bob Proctor

  • Welcome to the last Monday of the 2022-2023 School Year!!!! Here is a list of activities planned for next week:: Today-6/7th Graders Honor’s Day and 8th Grade Picnic; Tomorrow-Field-Day….Thursday last day and early dismissal!!!!!!!
  • Students, please show kindness and respect during the honors day ceremonies.
  • Reminder to students: School is still in session, so cell phones are not allowed. Consequences can be carried over into next school year.

And Students Remember…..”Here at Montevallo Middle School, We Expect Success and Nothing Less”!

Have a Terrific Tuesday!