May 14, 2018



*Character Education Theme for the Week: Trustworthiness

 *Quote of the Day: Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters  Albert Einstein

*Birthdays: Lizbeth Sanchez


*This morning will be the Writing Our Stories Assembly for 6th and 7th graders

*This Friday will be the 8th grade Cookout. 8th graders need to turn in their permission slips to Mr. Weeks by tomorrow.

*This is the last chance to turn in your Upward Bound Packets to Mrs. Lusco.

*All library books are due today.  Look everywhere for your lost books.  If you do not return the book or pay the fees for lost books, you will not be able to attend Spring Fling.

*The MMS & MHS Choirs will be performing in a concert tonight at 6PM in the MHS PAC.Doors will open at 5:45, and it is FREE to attend!

. *The Yearbook signing party is on Wednesday for $2.00.

*The Talent Show is on Thursday.  The cost to attend is $2.00

*The LOT Graduation Dinner is Thursday night at 6pm at the Parnell Library

*The 8th grade class voted and the faculty vs student game will be basketball this year.  You will need to make sure that you save a few dollars from Spring Fling to attend the game for $2.00.  The cost to get into Spring Fling will be $3.00. There will be a concession stand, waterslide, gaga pit, basketball, etc. Tickets will cost $1.00 each.  Concession stand items will be $1.00 and the other events may be one, two, or three tickets.

*Yearbooks are on sale for $35.00. There are only a few left. Please bring cash or check made out to MMS to Mrs. Harding.

*Awards Day will be next Monday, May 21st at 8:15am.

*There will be a Summer Mural Camp open to ages 11-17 from June 4-8 or June 18-22. The cost to sign up is $25.00.  There are only 10 slots per session.  The registration forms are in the office and the deadline is May 25th. Campers will participate in daily field trips and design and create a mural at MMS>


Have A Marvelous Monday