Daily Announcement 2/15/22

“Good Morning, today is Tuesday, February 15, 2022. 

*Character Education Theme of the Month: Cheerfulness

*Quote of the Week:  Nothing else in all life is such a maker of joy and cheer as the privilege of doing good.”
― J.R. Miller

  • Black History Fact:  Gladys Mae West was born October 27, 1930. She is an American mathematician known for her contributions to the mathematical modeling of the shape of the Earth, and her work on the development of the satellite geodesy models that were eventually incorporated into the creation of the Global Positioning System, which is most commonly called, GPS.
  • Colorguard tryouts for the high school band will be February 17th-24th. If you are interested in joining please see Mr. Hodges in the band room
  • Yearbooks are on sale for $30
  • FBLA is holding a chicken noodle soup, canned food drive.Donations will benefit the Vineyard Family Services Backpack program. Please bring as many canned soups as you can. The Donation box will be outside Room 52.
  • We will be testing today for 1st -2nd period. We will need complete silence in the hallway during schedule changes. 

And Students Remember: “Here at Montevallo Middle School We Expect Success and Nothing Less”.

Have a Thrilling Tuesday!

Daily Announcement 2/14/2022


“Good Morning, today is Monday, February 14, 2022. 

*Character Education Theme of the Month: Cheerfulness

*Quote of the Week:  Nothing else in all life is such a maker of joy and cheer as the privilege of doing good.”
― J.R. Miller

  • Black History Fact: Jack Roosevelt Robinson was born on January 31, 1919 in Cairo, Georgia. He was the youngest of five children.  His mother Millie raised him by herself alone and his three brothers and one sister. Growing up, Jackie loved to play sports.  After high school, he played college football for UCLA, was drafted into World War II, and played baseball for the Kansas City Monarchs, which was part of the Negro Baseball Colorguard tryouts for the high school band will be February 17th-24th. If you are interested in joining please see Mr. Hodges in the band room
  • Yearbooks are on sale for $30
  • FBLA is holding a chicken noodle soup, canned food drive.Donations will benefit the Vineyard Family Services Backpack program. Please bring as many canned soups as you can. The Donation box will be outside Room 52.
  • We will be testing today for 1st -2nd period. We will need complete silence in the hallway during schedule changes. 

And Students Remember: “Here at Montevallo Middle School We Expect Success and Nothing Less”.

Have a Marvelous Monday!

Daily Announcement 2/11/22

“Good Morning, today is Friday, February 10, 2022. 

*Character Education Theme of the Month: Cheerfulness

*Quote of the Week:  Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face.”
― Victor Hugo

  • Black History Quote: Where there is no vision, there is no hope -George Washington Carver
  • Colorguard tryouts for the high school band will be February 17th-24th. If you are interested in joining please see Mr. Hodges in the band room
  • Yearbooks are on sale for $30
  • FBLA is holding a chicken noodle soup, canned food drive.Donations will benefit the Vineyard Family Services Backpack program. Please bring as many canned soups as you can. The Donation box will be outside Room 52.
  • We will be testing today for 1st -2nd period. We will need complete silence in the hallway during schedule changes. 

And Students Remember: “Here at Montevallo Middle School We Expect Success and Nothing Less”.

Have a Fantastic friday!

Daily Announcement 2/10/22


“Good Morning, today is Thursday, February 10, 2022. 

*Character Education Theme of the Month: Cheerfulness

*Quote of the Week:  Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face.”
― Victor Hugo

  • Black History Quote: Ninety-nine percent of failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses. -George Washington Carver
  • Colorguard tryouts for the high school band will be February 17th-24th. If you are interested in joining please see Mr. Hodges in the band room
  • Yearbooks are on sale for $30
  • FBLA is holding a chicken noodle soup, canned food drive. Donations will benefit the Vineyard Family Services Backpack program. Please bring as many canned soups as you can. The Donation box will be outside Room 52.
  • We will be testing today for 1st -2nd period. We will need complete silence in the hallway during schedule changes. 
  • Hat Day will be tomorrow $2.00!

And Students Remember: “Here at Montevallo Middle School We Expect Success and Nothing Less”. The official school time is…..

Have a Thankful Thursday

Daily Announcement 2/9/22

“Good Morning, today is Wednesday, February 9, 2022. 

*Character Education Theme of the Month: Cheerfulness

*Quote of the Week:  Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face.”
― Victor Hugo

  • Black History Quote: I’m not concerned with your liking or disliking me… All I ask is that you respect me as a human being. (Quote from Jackie Robinson) 
  • Colorguard tryouts for the high school band will be February 17th-24th. If you are interested in joining please see Mr. Hodges in the band room
  • Yearbooks are on sale for $30
  • FBLA is holding a chicken noodle soup, canned food drive.Donations will benefit the Vineyard Family Services Backpack program. Please bring as many canned soups as you can. The Donation box will be outside Room 52.
  • We will be testing today for 1st -2nd period. We will need complete silence in the hallway during schedule changes. 

And Students Remember: “Here at Montevallo Middle School We Expect Success and Nothing Less”.

Have a Wonderful Wednesday!

Daily Announcement 2/8/22


“Good Morning, today is Tuesday, February 8, 2022. 

*Character Education Theme of the Month: Cheerfulness

*Quote of the Week:  Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face.”
― Victor Hugo

  • Black History Quote: I’m not concerned with your liking or disliking me… All I ask is that you respect me as a human being. (Quote from Jackie Robinson) 
  • Congratulations to Will Hayes for making All-State Concert Band and All-District Honor Band!
  • Colorguard tryouts for the high school band will be February 17th-24th. If you are interested in joining please see Mr. Hodges in the band room
  • Yearbooks are on sale for $30
  • FBLA is holding a chicken noodle soup, canned food drive.Donations will benefit the Vineyard Family Services Backpack program. Please bring as many canned soups as you can. The Donation box will be outside Room 52.

And Students Remember: “Here at Montevallo Middle School We Expect Success and Nothing Less”.

Have a Thankful Tuesday!

Daily announcement 2/7/22


“Good Morning, today is Monday, February 7, 2022. 

*Character Education Theme of the Month: Cheerfulness

*Quote of the Week:  Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face.”
― Victor Hugo

  • Black History Quote: I’m not concerned with your liking or disliking me… All I ask is that you respect me as a human being. (Quote from Jackie Robinson) 
  • Congratulations to Will Hayes for making All-State Concert Band and All-District Honor Band!
  • Colorguard tryouts for the high school band will be February 17th-24th. If you are interested in joining please see Mr. Hodges in the band room
  • Yearbooks are on sale for $30
  • FBLA is holding a chicken noodle soup, canned food drive.Donations will benefit the Vineyard Family Services Backpack program. Please bring as many canned soups as you can. The Donation box will be outside Room 52.
  • Students, today we will complete important testing and bells will be turned off for 1st and 2nd period. Your teachers will tell you when to change classes but we will need complete silence in the hallways. 

And Students Remember: “Here at Montevallo Middle School We Expect Success and Nothing Less”.

Have a Marvelous Monday

Daily Announcement 2/4/22


“Good Morning, today is Friday, February 4, 2022. 

*Character Education Theme of the Month: Cheerfulness

*Quote of the Week:  Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face.”
― Victor Hugo

  • Black History Quote:Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly. (Quote from Langston Hughes)
  • Friday is the last day of the bookfair. We will also have more uv pens tomorrow. 
  • Tomorrow is national wear red day in support of National Heart Month and finding a cure for cancer.  Please wear your red tomorrow.
  • Yearbooks are on sale for $30
  • Today is the last day to buy Valentine’s Candy grams they will be on sale during lunch For $2.00
  • FBLA is holding a chicken noodle soup, canned food drive.Donations will benefit the Vineyard Family Services Backpack program. Please bring as many canned soups as you can. The Donation box will be outside Room 52.
  • It was a good night of varsity wrestling for the bulldogs. Sheko Thomas scored 12 points on the team with one pin and one for fit. Austin cummings scored six points for the team with a pin. In a special match in Emery Adams scored 6 points by pen. Wish the Bulldogs Luck as we go to a JV tournament this weekend.
  • Students, today we will complete important testing and bells will be turned off for 1st and 2nd period. Your teachers will tell you when to change classes but we will need complete silence in the hallways. 

And Students Remember: “Here at Montevallo Middle School We Expect Success and Nothing Less”.

Have a Fantastic Friday!

Daily Announcement 2/2/22


“Good Morning, today is Wednesday, February 2, 2022

*Character Education Theme of the Month: Cheerfulness

*Quote of the Week:  Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face.”
― Victor Hugo

  • Black History Quote: I had reasoned this out in my mind, there was one of two things I had a right to, liberty or death; if I could not have one, I would have the other.(Quote from Harriet Tubman)
  • The Montevallo Day of Pageants will be held Saturday, Feb. 26th at MHS.  If you are interested, please come by the office and get an entry form.  All entry forms and payments must be turned in by Today!
  • Yearbooks are on sale for $30
  • Valentine’s Candy grams will be on sale during lunch For $2.00
  • Students, today we will complete important testing and bells will be turned off for 1st and 2nd period. Your teachers will tell you when to change classes but we will need complete silence in the hallways. 
  • No soccer practice today!

And Students Remember: “Here at Montevallo Middle School We Expect Success and Nothing Less”. Have a Wonderful Wednesday!

Daily Announcement 1/31/22

“Good Morning, today is Monday, January 31 , 2022

*Character Education Theme of the Month: Gratitude

*Quote of the Week:  Gratitude is the sign of noble souls. – Aesop 

  • The Montevallo Day of Pageants will be held Saturday, Feb. 26th at MHS.  If you are interested, please come by the office and get an entry form.  All entry forms and payments must be turned in by Wednesday, Feb 2nd. All girls in grades 6-8 may participate.
  • The $10 physical field trip money is due by today.  ALL athletes are required to have a current physical in order to remain eligible for sports this spring and/or participate in try-outs for next year’s sports, which will begin in March.  Please contact Coach Jett with any questions/concerns.
  • Yearbooks are on sale for $25, Starting February they will be $30! 
  • Valentine’s Candy grams will be on sale starting today during lunch For $2.00
  • There will be a brief mandatory golf team meeting tomorrow after school in Mr. Stanley’s room until 3:45

And Students Remember: “Here at Montevallo Middle School We Expect Success and Nothing Less”. Have a Marvelous Monday.