April 25 2016


Happy Birthday:
Stiven Martinez


*High School Basketball tryouts for current 8th grade boys will start today and continue through tomorrow after school until 5:30pm at the MHS gym. You must have a current physical on file to try out.

*MMS Football tryouts will begin today and last throughout the week. See Coach Horton for details. You must be at tryouts to be on the team next year.

*This Friday will be COTS so make sure that you have all of your work turned in so that you do not have to attend Intervention COTS.

*Upward Bound will be meeting with all 8th graders on Thursday at 2pm in the cafeteria.

*LOT will be on their last field trip tomorrow.

*The MMS, MHS, and Montevallo Chorale will be performing a concert this Thursday night at 7:30pm at the Le Baron Recital Hall at the University of Montevallo.

*On Friday the 8th graders will be going to the High School for their orientation meetings.

*Congratulations to the student of the week:  Robert Kincaid. Mrs. Moore and Ms. Pressley state that Robert has done very well in school this year, been an advocate for himself, and represented the MMS track team very well.  He also did a fantastic job on his student led conference.

Have a Marvelous Monday